Marian had had a scary experience with a Ouija board when she was younger, so finding her young son Jimmy and his friends, apparently frightened witless by playing with one, didn't surprise her at all. She quickly shut it all down, and thought no more about it. Until Jimmy's behavior began to change. At times it was like he was a different person.
Fourteen-year-old virgin William found a gold pendant one day while walking a dog. A couple of wonderful, but somewhat baffling, encounters with the opposite sex make him suspect it may be far more than just a lucky charm.
It was 2023 for God's sake. What person in their right mind would connect a few random, if surprisingly helpful, events with an old plaque found in the attic?. It was only slowly that seventeen-year-old Erica realized that her horny desires coming true weren't just a coincidence.
Girls, when was the first time that you realized that boys (or girls of course) were interested in your body? Did it make you feel good? Were you tempted to show them a little more? Come on now, be honest. That's the point where this story starts for young Poppy.
Daisy is at that difficult age when teens push back against their parents. One day she pushes a bit too far and things get out of hand. Initially, the spanking seems to help...
Young Casey literally couldn't believe it when a gorgeous young blonde dumped her boyfriend right in front of him and then asked him, Casey, to join her in the recently vacated passenger seat of her Porsche. Then she asked him to direct them to a hotel and he damn near burst his pants.
Samira thought that sex with her long-term partner, Amelia, on that Saturday morning was probably going to be the highlight of her day. The weekly food shop and a walk afterward seemed unlikely to top it. Boy was she wrong!
It was a silly, sexy idea, made to Nancy by an author she'd been chatting with on SOL. She'd confessed that she found some of her son and daughter's friends attractive, and he'd suggested that, next time they were over, she should go 'sans panties'. What harm could it do?
I knew he was very sick, but I spoke to his consultant oncologist this morning and he told me that Ian just wasn't fighting any more. For some reason, that he didn't understand, Ian just seemed to have given up.