A Night Visitor - Cover

A Night Visitor

by Ashley

Copyright© 2022 by Ashley

Erotica Sex Story: Being woken up by someone touching your bare bottom is generally either a very good or a very bad thing. It takes little Lizzy a while before she's sure which it is.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Fa/ft   Reluctant   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex   .

I’m sleeping one night when something wakes me up. It’s a few seconds before I work out what it was, and it’s because something is touching my bottom. I’m lying on my front and I realize that I must have thrown the covers off and, initially, I guess that it’s most likely just our cat Snowy who has the run of the house at night.

When we first got him from the animal shelter we tried to keep him downstairs at night but he just cried and shredded the carpets at the bedroom doorways and, in the end, we had to give in. He often comes to see me in the night but he usually wakes me up when he jumps up onto the bed.

The touch on my bottom isn’t cold like Snowy’s nose though, it’s warm. I freeze as it moves, and it’s now obvious that it’s somebody’s fingertip.

My first reaction is to scream blue murder, but I know that there are only really three possibilities: my brother Alex, my Dad, or my Mom. Unless, of course, someone didn’t lock up properly last night or we’ve had a break-in.

Assuming it’s not the last, and I hope to hell it isn’t, it’s probably Alex in which case do I really want to bring my parents running in? If it’s Dad or Mom...? God, it’s not likely, but I just don’t know.

It’s absolutely pitch black so I can’t see anything at all, and I decide the safest thing to do is to just pretend to still be asleep. Some more fingers join the first, and they’re just lightly grazing over the cheeks of my bottom. Incredibly I feel myself start to get aroused. Nobody’s ever touched my bare ass before, other than when I was a baby I suppose, and it feels really nice. I get goosebumps all over.

When the fingers start to slide down towards my pussy I think I may lose it, and if I get really excited that may encourage whoever it is. I pluck up my courage and cough lightly and then turn over away from this person, hoping they’ll just think I’m moving in my sleep and, maybe starting to wake up.

Amazingly it works, and I feel the bedclothes being pulled back over me. It’s ages before I can convince myself that they’re really gone and I can start to relax a bit.

I’m pretty sure that it must have been Alex, and the thought that he would want to break into my room and feel me up in the night is both weird and pretty exciting.

He’s seventeen to my fourteen and I’ve seen some of his girlfriends; they’re all gorgeous. His type seems to be stacked blondes, which couldn’t be further from me with my B-cup breasts and mousy hair.

My so-called friends have pretty much all pointed out how hunky Alex is and, if I’m completely honest with myself, I’ve got a bit of a crush on him, regardless of the fact that he’s my brother.

Thinking that it may have been his fingers on my ass has got me going, and my hand sneaks under my body and I lie on it so that it puts just the right amount of pressure on my clit to feel lovely without making me want to actually masturbate. It’s ages more before I get back to sleep.

At breakfast the next morning I keep catching Alex’s eyes but he’s behaving perfectly normally, and just smiles at me in a slightly bemused way, as if he can’t understand why I keep looking at him.

Mom and Dad similarly are behaving as if nothing happened and I’m actually beginning to wonder if maybe I dreamed the whole thing.

I try casually opening the front of my dressing gown a bit to show off what little cleavage I have in the hope that someone will show an interest, but nobody bites.

The really good news is that there are no signs that anyone broke into the house, so at least I wasn’t groped by some axe-murdering intruder.

I try to forget about it, and everything’s normal the following night except that I sleep so lightly that I keep waking up at the slightest sound.

The night after that I wake up and it’s happening again. This time I’m on my back and they’re running their fingers up and down between my thighs, stopping just short of my pussy.

I’m already aroused by whatever happened before I woke up, and I’m breathing hard. I’m completely convinced that it’s Alex now and, now I’m not scared; I’m prepared to lie back and enjoy it.

I’ve been thinking about having sex for quite a while now but the idea of doing it with any of the boys at school is just a non-starter. Some of the people I know have done it, and the boys just can’t help bragging about it. That and the fact that I wouldn’t trust any of them not to try some of the hateful shit you see on the internet.

If Alex wants to play with my little body in the night I’m more than happy to let him. In fact, now that I think about it, I can’t think of anyone that I’d trust more to take my cherry.

Then the fingers touch my pussy lips and it’s all I can do not to make a noise. Absolutely no one but me has ever touched me there, and the sensation is heavenly, so much nicer than when I touch myself. Almost instantly I feel my clit throb and my pussy begins to lubricate. I desperately try to keep my breathing under control because what I actually feel like doing is gasping, or maybe moaning.

His fingertip dips into my vagina and, when he then strokes along my pussy lips, his finger is slick with my juices. It feels so good as he caresses my lips and he’s just getting near my clit when he stops.

I can see a light around my door and it looks like somebody is up and going to the toilet. He covers me up, and then I can just see him standing next to my door, so that if it opened further he’d be behind it. Infuriatingly I still can’t be absolutely sure who he is, but, from the size, I’m now sure that it is a he.

He remains motionless until the sound of the toilet flushing is followed by faint footsteps, and then the light in the corridor goes off plunging the room into darkness again.

I’m lying there with my pussy tingling like mad, hoping that Alex is going to come back and finish the job that he started so beautifully. After what seems like an eternity, but is probably closer to five minutes, I touch the base of my bedside lamp to turn it on. There’s no one in the room except me.

I slip my own fingers inside me and try to conjure up the feelings that I had when Alex had his there, but it doesn’t really work and once more I have to try to sleep when I’m really way too horny.

The next morning I go down to breakfast in just my nighty, and I do mean just my nighty, I’ve got nothing at all on under it. If I’m going to let him fuck me I want to know for sure that it’s Alex, not Dad. The nighty is quite see-through so it should provoke some sort of a reaction.

When Alex gets up after finishing his breakfast I can see his hard-on clearly inside his shorts and I think - Ha!

But then Dad gets up he’s got an erection too - Oh.

I’m still thinking about that when I finish my own breakfast and I get up to leave.

“Honey, sit back here for a second,” Mom says to me, patting her knees. I sit down on her lap and she puts an arm around me.

“You’re too old for running around the house dressed like that,” she says to me while stroking the hair out of my face. “It’s not fair to tease the boys that way.” She’s now stroking my back and, I may be starting to get paranoid, but I think I can see her stealing glimpses at my nipples which are now poking through the nighty.

“Go on upstairs and put some clothes on,” she tells me and pats my bottom as I get up to leave.

“OK Mom, I was just..., “ I start to say. There’s no way I can even start to explain it to her. “ ... never mind.”

So much for my plan, I think, all I’ve proved is that all men are horndogs with no noticeable control over their dicks.

I’m still no closer to finding out for sure who it was, and I decide to go for the more direct approach. I go to Alex’s room.

“Alex, can I have a word with you?”

“Sure, baby sis. What’s on your mind?” he replies and puts his tablet down.

“Do you think I’m attractive?”

“I think you’re gorgeous,” he answers, laughing. I daren’t just ask him outright, so I try what I think is subtlety.

“If you weren’t my brother do you think you’d like to ... you know ... with me?”

“But I am your brother, Lizzy,” he says, chuckling.

“But if you weren’t?” I insist. He takes me by the hand.

“You’re a beautiful young girl and any boy in his right mind would be lucky to have you,” he says softly and seriously while looking into my eyes. He kisses me gently on the lips. “But if anyone so much as touches you I’ll rip their fucking heads off. Now get gone, I’ve got work to do.”

I leave him to it. ‘Gorgeous’, ‘beautiful’, a kiss, and a little jealousy, I think, short of actually saying he’d like to do it with me, I’m now convinced.

That night I don’t bother putting on my nighty, and while I’m waiting for Alex to turn up I’m gently stroking my vulva, thinking about that little kiss.

I get hardly any sleep that night because absolutely nothing happens.

The next day Mom and Dad announce that they are going to the mall and ask me if I want to go. I say no - I’m going to get to the bottom of all this before the tension and the lack of sleep kills me.

They leave soon after breakfast and I go to my room to get dressed.

I want to make it clear to Alex that if he wants to play sexy games with me I’m fine with it and we don’t have to go through all this middle-of-the-night stuff.

I get as far as putting my bra and panties on and I look at myself in the full-length mirror.

If I say so myself I look pretty good. Breasts a nice small handful and my nips perk up nicely when I stroke and pinch them through the thin material of the bra. Looking over my shoulder I check out my ass and I’m very happy with that, mind you so was Alex that first night.

I give my pussy a fond little pat, wouldn’t swap her for anyone’s in the world. It’s fair to say I’m not in the same league as Alex’s normal girls but I’m certainly not embarrassed by my body.

I decide to go and see Alex just as I am.

I knock on his door.

“Come on in.” I hear from inside.

“Hey,” I say as I go into his room. He looks up from his phone.

“Whoa Sis, do you want to put some clothes on?” he says, but with a smile as he looks me up and down. I look down at myself as if I hadn’t even noticed.

“Never mind that,” I tell him. “I need to talk to you.” I try to look stern but inwardly I’m delighted by his lecherous gaze. I sit opposite him on the bed and cross my legs. His eyes go immediately to the junction of my legs before he finally drags them up to my face.

“What’s on your mind?” he asks, trying and failing to match my serious expression. I decide to just go for it.

“I know what you’ve been doing in the middle of the night,” I tell him, watching his expression closely. He looks ashamed and embarrassed.


“I wanted you to know that I don’t mind,” I tell him. Now he begins to look a bit confused.

“You don’t mind?” he repeats slowly.

“No, in fact, I think it’s kind of nice,” I say. He still looks puzzled. This isn’t going how I’d hoped. I’m turned on as hell being this close to him and almost naked, and I was hoping the feeling would be mutual. I was actually kind of hoping he’d make a move on me.

I lean forward, put my hand behind his neck, and pull him in for a long sensual kiss. He returns the kiss but doesn’t escalate to tongues. I’m astonished when he doesn’t put his arms around me.

Eventually, it begins to feel a bit awkward with me kissing him but him not touching me, and I break the kiss. Short of actually raping him I’m not sure what else I can do.

“Love you, bro!” I say with a brightness I’m not really feeling, and go to leave.

I look over my shoulder before going out of the door and I’m happy to see that he’s looking at my bottom. I smile at him and give my ass a little wiggle.

I loiter around my room for a good hour, hoping that he’ll come to visit me, but he doesn’t. In the end, I come to the conclusion that, at the moment at least, he’s too embarrassed to admit his desires for me without the cover of darkness. If that’s how he wants to play it then I guess I have no choice but to go along with it. If nothing else I’m pretty sure I’ll have a visitor tonight.

I only know when he arrives because of the slight draft from the door opening. I’ve never been awake at this stage, but I’d kind of assumed he had a torch or something, but it’s all still pitch dark.

He gently uncovers my bottom half and then just seems to be looking, which is a bit odd. I hear the sound of a zipper and guess that he’s getting his cock out. He starts with my inner thighs which sends shivers up my spine and makes my pussy throb, and for ages, he teases me, not touching any higher.

Then I feel his fingertips on my pussy and my heart seems to skip a beat, but his touches are still feather-light.

My pussy is desperate for more pressure, more friction, and I make up my mind that I’m going to let Alex know that I’m awake and I’m OK with what he’s doing.

I put my hand over his and press it against myself, working it in circles that are exactly what my clit needs, and I drive my hips up against our hands. For a moment he freezes and then he gets the idea, and I can leave him to it while I attend to my breasts.

My nipples are so hard that they’re aching and it’s a joy when I throw off the covers and can twist and pull on them at last.

He’s doing a wonderful job on my pussy now and I want to feel him. I reach down over the edge of the bed until my hand bumps into something hot and hard.

I hear him gasp as my hand closes around it and, for the first time in my life, I have an honest-to-goodness erect cock in my hand.

I run my fingers over it, feeling the taut head and the little ridge below, and then along the shaft. I wrap my hand around it and I can feel it throb with each beat of his heart. It feels wonderful but I want to see it too.

I touch on the lamp and all hell breaks loose: First he screams and clutches his hands to his head. Not his head, some contraption attached to his face by a strap. Still screaming, he pulls it off and throws it into the corner of the room where it disappears into my pile of fluffy toys.

Then I scream, it’s not Alex, it’s our next-door neighbor, Mister Woodford! Then I scream again as I realize that I’ve still got his cock in my hand, and I snatch it away.

Then the door opens and Mom screams. Dad pushes her out of the way, grabs Mr Woodford by his collar, and throws him against the wall. Alex comes in, sees me, and it’s only then that I remember that I’m naked and I curl up into a little ball.

Mom puts her arms around me and covers my body with her own. I keep my eyes shut as there’s a horrific series and thumps and shouts and more screaming from what I hope is Dad and Alex beating the crap out of Mister fucking Woodford.

The rest of that night is a bit of a blur. The police arrive and establish that he still had a key from when he’d fed Snowy one time while we were away.

They’re all very nice to me and quickly establish that he touched me with his hands and nothing more.

Since it’s obvious what happened and there are other witnesses, I’m allowed to go to bed. Mom comes with me and we spend the rest of the night cuddled up together. It’s a long while before I stop shaking.

It’s only two days later that I remember the device that he threw across my room and I dig it out. When I put it near my face I’m almost blinded by a bright green image. I shut my curtains and try again and, through the goggles, it’s like a green-tinged daylight in my room, even though without them it’s pretty dark.

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