When fourteen-year-old Tony's mom takes him to the Family Practitioner for a check-up, he doesn't really think anything of it. But the doctor is beautiful... and then she says those eight terrifying and yet thrilling words. / (Reviews)
Keira had a crush on her new step-brother Hugh, but like many a horny fourteen-year-old, she had crushes on a few other boys too. But then Hugh proved himself to be far more than just one of the boys.
When Jake meets his fifteen-year-old neighbour for the first time, he is utterly captivated by her beauty. Being a semi-professional photographer, and desperately hoping to see more of her, he invites her to his 'studio' to take some pictures.
When Ruth, a friend of the family and a psychiatrist, offers to try hypnosis to help with young Jordan's fear of flying they figure it's worth a try. After the first session Jordan's not convinced that it was just his mind she'd been tinkering with.
Penises don't come with a size label on them so how's a boy supposed to know? Looking at porn you might be forgiven for thinking that they're all eight inches long.
Samantha is in town on business and is looking for a hook-up on some dating apps. One phrase that she sees strikes a chord with her: 'Likes strong women'. She might be reading too much into it but the guy is cute so she goes for it. Oliver, it turns out, is everything she's looking for... and more.
Stacy and her little brother Lee had always been close, probably closer than most siblings. She noticed him going through puberty but it was only an accidental wardrobe malfunction that started her viewing him in a totally new light.
Gary would himself admit that he was an average kind of bloke. He led a fairly grey kind of life hoping vaguely that things might improve in his dimly viewed future. Then, all of a sudden, things just started to go his way.