The first new Losgud story in many years. While once a stalwart member of the old ASSM community that initially populated Storiesonline, I've been moribund for ages. I hope this helps rectify the situation. It's a story of love-gone-wrong that, drawing closer to home, becomes one of love gone absolutley right. Including the Losgud trademarks of smart writing, hot sex, and the bit of humor at the whole situation. Hope you all enjoy!
Two damaged souls, mending together, just the way nature intended...over coffee. Read the endnote for explanations and apologies. Otherwise, as always, enjoy!
A brother and sister, in late blossom, get to spend a week alone down in Florida. There's some young stuff as a side story, but not that young, and as always handled in a very Losgudian manner. The endnote is worth reading.
Boys & Girls, the Saga continues, crossing more family lines. This story is a note that I'm not dead yet. And it is a history-making event--Losgud's first follow-up, sequelesque piece. You do need to have read the original "Tandem" to catch all the nuances in this "Extra". If not, smart readers will catch on fast enough.
Teen boy gets lucky with older lady. However sporadic, the bloom remains throughout the years. And, oh yea, did I mention that Mrs. Harris was the one to steer me to my little sister? As for that, ditto. I was writing a really sexy story and was finishing up, when this one began growing like a seed dropped in the nest of my dirty hair. I just kept writing, describing the bursting kernel. It's a long lit-smut piece, something I compare to the canon of Classic Losgud. As always, enjoy!
Your sister dumps her two young teen kids on you, so she and her dumbass husband can go screw on a Love Boat cruise. The kids are great, and you're their favorite aunt. What could possibly go wrong? Except--per losgudian logic--everything. I'll warn all in advance, this is a pretty weird story. I really like the writing, and I did mark up a printed draft first. Plus, it's fiction funny. But the storyline probably has something for everybody to hate. Lash me lightly, if you please. / (Reviews)