Boys, you can be a mean big brother, or you can be nice to your little sister, even to the point of wearing a goofy costume. The choice is yours--it's called trick or treat! Once again putting the "story" back in sex stories. If that's not what you like, please don't read or rate. ALWAYS READ THE FINE PRINT: see endnote for the genesis of this story.
We grew up listening to our parents being loud. It wasn't until a post-high school family vacation that my sister posed the question, "Why should they have all the fun?"
We all go through sexual slumps--that's why god gave us hands! So what's so wrong about a brother and sister watering one another during such a drought? It makes perfect sense, though it can take some persuasion and manipulation. But in the end, what a garden of earthly delights! Sorry for the cheap title... Otherwise, as always, enjoy!
The title says it all. And don't it just harken back to like 1998 and the golden era of A.S.S.(M.)? I did do a print-out and pen mark-up of this one. So enjoy a boy discovering his older sister. Under unusual circumstances!
With apologies to Tennyson... In the winter a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of sledding. And why not? Nothing better than a good sledding buddy. / (Reviews)
An absurd premise. A story written for the title. That's why we call it fiction. But what would you do if your sister started sleepwalking again, each time ending up in your room jacking you off while you were both asleep?
Ever wonder why TV fills the late night airwaves with old low-grade movies? Read this piece to discover why. As this story started commanding me to write it, the obvious alternate title emerged: "Cute Butt". I stuck with the more poetic original, so sue me! And, as always with a Losgud story, enjoy!