The Dare story continues as the Onijwa, a young woman possessing the spirit of a wolf, finds herself without a Master. Caught between two worlds, will she find a home with her human neighbors, or can she join her mate's Pack hunting in the wild? Only time...and Fate...will tell. -Note: you should read "Dare Book I" before reading this sequel.
A Nexus Story (1) Ben is an ordinary guy until he encounters a goat, an old god and some pretty girls that turn his life upside down. Will he and the girls find happiness? Will they save the world together? Where in the hell are all of his t shirts disappearing to? For answers to these and many other questions read on! This is the first story in a series about an unlikely group of ordinary people who find themselves in the middle of an unending war between Light and Darkness.
A Dragon Chronicle Story (6) Sam goes off by herself to try to work out some of her issues before starting college. She finds that the locals have some unusual hobbies and she gets dragged into some of them.
Clarissa and Priscilla are the best of friends, and that is where it would have stayed until one fateful night intervenes. What the two learn about one another will change what they thought of each other. Will it be for the good or the bad though?
Your typical boy meets girl story, except the girl turns out to be a witch that simply casts the spell for the euphoria. She transforms the unsuspecting boy into a wolf and, by either accident or design... not a normal wolf!
No! A werewolf that turns human on the full moon! So, reverse-werewolf?
Join Jake as he meets her other victims and they conspire to break the witch’s spell.
Making friends is challenging when you're the big, bad wolf!
A Tiger Team Story (1) Arriving at the Addison III space station expecting to find a minor rebellion to quell, Tiger Team is surprised when their shuttle is shot down on the way to the planet. They soon learn that things are much more complicated and far reaching than they had been led to believe. Far reaching enough to cause an Interstellar incident.