A Fan Fiction is a Virus Story Yu-Gi-Oh FanFiction. Seto/Joey/Atemu. Yaoi. When Seto takes an impromptu vacation he throws everyone's life into chaos. Includes some very non-standard pairings. Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of it's related. I am not making nor do I seek to make any financial gain from this. I just wrote a fanfic based on the sources mentioned. NOTE TO READERS: Chapter 1 is a bit slow for a reason. Give me until Chapter 3 before you condem this story. All is calm before the storm.
A Story in the Therapist Series Claire, our therapist, deals with a man who has discovered that he gets a distinct thrill from driving with his cock exposed, while playing with it with one hand. Claire experiences an unexpected reaction - a very strong sexual thrill - from his description. She persuades him to play with his cock in her office while she watches...