What do you do on Father's Day for the greatest dad in the world (besides a "Greatest Dad" coffee mug)? Every year I struggle with this but this year things worked themselves out on their own.
If there's one thing I learned growing up it was if you're fifteen, horny, and "available" you tend to have a lot of boyfriends. Years later it appears my cousin Tammy has learned the same "lesson". Even better, her current boyfriend didn't mind having me join in as well, even though I was six years older than him.
I've never been much for New Year's Resolutions but this year should be so different from any other year in my life that it seems fitting to take a look ahead. These aren't really in any particular order, just how they came out.
The fact my old college freshman-year roomie was getting married was a surprise but to get only a few days' notice was a shock. It had been quite a while since we slept together back in college but sex is like a bicycle, you never forget how to ride. In fact, the entire week was filled with new experiences and surprises!
Everyone keeps asking me what has happened recently between Duane and me so here it is... This is just for my fans who want to know what's happening in my life. For the rest of you, don't bother as there's no sex in this one!
I get a huge crush on my Dad's best friend who is also my algebra teacher. I set out to seduce him. What's a grown man to do with a hot in the panties teen bent on fucking him?