It's Ray's 17th birthday and he has high hopes of getting into Missy's panties, but she rebuts his advances, being the prick tease she is. Ray drops her off at her house and in anger is speeding home when the highway patrol officer pulls him over. Ray is beligerent to the officer not knowing it is a female. She pulls him out of his car and searches him, then helps him fulfill the desires of his 17th birthday.
Imagine, if you will, another universe, one in which all girls and women secretly long to be submissive slaves, spanked into submission. It is a world where pregnancy is totally controlled and not an issue of concern and STDs do not exist but in which our conventional morality is still the norm. However, that is changing. A new program has been introduced into the schools, NUDEP.
Jimmy Stokes is the homeliest kid in school. Missy takes advantage of and uses him to do her lessons for her while she goes out to parties. Doesn't matter for he loves her. She soon gets into trouble and has to leave Jimmy, school and town. He loses track of her for many years. He has his own troubles --Money embezzled from him, wife is killed in a car accident--and then he meets Izzy.
A Naughty Cheerleaders Story (3) This is the third story in the series. Debbie, the big-breasted head cheerleader, takes the newly initiated Anna (now nicknamed Tissues since she was caught stuffing her bra) for her new wardrobe. The fifteen-year-old freshman learns a lot about herself, but struggles with her place in the world. Top or bottom? Or both? She also struggles with her feelings about having all of her humiliating secrets revealed to the world.
Scientists bring back a plant sample from a far off world. It is studied by a team of Earth's best scientists. But the plant isn't ordinary, it is sentient. Now it is on the loose and the local high school is it's next target.
This could have been an added chapter to Orangade but I decided to keep it as a stand alone story. Lara was a 14 year old paper girl that met John and Rex. Teen, drugs and Beast.