This story is a dark mystery, a horror story full of evil acts, and a woman's journey to regain memories of her life while trying to remember what happened on October 31st, ten years earlier.
Frenchie, the V.C. girl is intelligent,beautiful and a shrewd business woman at age 13. She has a sympathetic heart for one and all but her honesty and sense of fair play are out of place in a dangerous war zone. Her story gives even the most strident of hawks pause for reflection.
A The Chosen Ones Story (5) Megan Richards and Brad Seldon are broken hearted in 1975 when they learn a terrible truth their parents had kept secret all their lives. Their best friends help them to recover and they discover that their lives were not destoyed by that dark truth... despite the fact that the dark forces of the universe have been conspiring to do just that all their lives... destroy them. And they were not about to give up yet...