Charlie and Ellen visit Lake Havelock with Jennifer and her father. This fan fiction is totally unsolicited by jackieoh, author of "My Mother's Lover," but she's told me she doesn't mind if I post it. If you like it, thank jackie for her story that inspired this one. If you don't like it, blame me, not her. You don't need to read jackie's story to enjoy this so-called missing chapter, but I recommend that you do read her story as soon as you can. You're in for a treat.
Heather and younger brother Harold console each other after each broke off a relationship. Consolation slowly becomes something else. Was that mother (Sue Anne) looking with curiosity at the relationship changes between the two siblings?
As with much of my work, this in praise of older women, not the busty hot blondes everywhere. A young man enjoys his elderly widowed Grandmother and then his Mother.