An absurd premise. A story written for the title. That's why we call it fiction. But what would you do if your sister started sleepwalking again, each time ending up in your room jacking you off while you were both asleep?
A young warrior grows to be a man and fights to protect himself and his homeland with the help of a mysterious sword. Walk beside him as he builds his life on the blood of his enemies and the support of his family to become one of the most powerful men in his tribe. Set in a fictional world but (hopefully) historically accurate to the Germanic tribal era, with some Viking bits thrown in.
This is the story of a visit by the Greyson family to a nudist family resort. This is from the perspective of the son as he learns what other families do when everyone is naked. Along the way, he will experience the changes in his own family dynamics. This story was originally submitted under the Family Resort universe by HappyComet. The author is no longer active so I'm submitted the work under my own pen name. Hope you enjoy it
This is a story that starts out based on actual events that occured in my life, though as it moves along it will move farther and farther away from what really happened.
However, the trailer is real, my sister's best friend Melanie is real, and my sister is most definitely real, as is what the three of us did together when we were so very, very young and naive.
Land of Cotton - The story of a farm family in the Mississippi Delta - owners and operators a huge cotton farm. Southern nights are hot and humid in Mississippi, and things get pretty damn hot in the big 'Cotton Land Plantation' home too... even at school and the small town of Cottondale, Mississippi.
A story in the This Naked World Universe
Danylo Senka and Emma Stoke find themselves embarking on a day that unfolds in all sorts of unexpected ways as they attend three school assemblies where all the students have to be completely naked. The day finishes with even more surprises down at the Smokey Rock Mall and a newly refurbished chain store that has taken over the Mall’s old Cinema Complex.
A Story in the Wendy's Worlds Universe
William Sutherland and his twin sister, Wili, are run out of town in 1963 for incest. Tripping, they end up on the Oklahoma, Texas border. Bonnie and Clyde, fleeing from law enforcement, have somehow come to the future. The bank robbers gift the twins with a bag of the loot. There is a broken watch in the bag. Wendytoo and David, the younger, find them hitchhiking in 2001. Oh My...