Having been artificially incubated for most of his life, Dominus Fields emerges from the tank to find the world a bewildering place. Men rule over women with violence and cruelty, while the poor serve the wealthy with their labor.
The Farm (6) Trophy wife Shirley's sexual frustration attracts the attention of a primal male who picks up on her scent, forcefully mounting and breeding her rear.
The Spectacular Spiderman Seasons 3, 4 and 5 (2) Having quit The Daily Bugle, Peter Parker has been forced into taking another job. Of course supermodels are a bit more fun to shoot than friendly neighborhood Spider-men. Spider-mans? Spiders-man?
Waking up on a strange planet can be scary enough, but waking up on a strange living planet can be scarier. How did Mercy get there and more importantly, how will she get off?