A story in the Tech and State Universe
The story of Chelsea, a college sophomore who is trans-sexual and her boyfriend/fiance Jeff. Jeff meets her as shy and introverted. She initially rebuffs his advances but relents when she discovers shared interests. They fall in love and begin a sexual relationship. The growth of their love parallels the growth of Chelsea's self-esteem. She outs herself publicly with bittersweet consequences. / (Reviews)
Having his niece show up unannounced turned out to create a series of life changing experiences. None of them were anything but good. Exciting at times, but very, very, good.
A Twisted Fairy Tale An XXX rated tale loosely based on the combination of Sleeping Beauty and Snow White, wherein the princess lies ensorcelled, and can be awakened only by some very special sperm.
Finalist 2022 Clitorides Long Erotic Story of the Year - I played football and wrestled in high school. In college I tried both and failed. I had ballooned from a tight 6'4" 265 pounds to a very wobbly 6'4" 385 pounds. The problem was that in my mind I was still that tight 265 athlete. My wife's lover put short shrift to that. When I grabbed him and pulled him out of her, he spun around and hit me in my big, soft belly. Then he beat the living shit out of me. I don't know when I went unconscious
A Rachel and Lauren Story (1) Rachel has discovered that Lauren is a wellspring, a source of great magic power for the witch or warlock who beds her. However, Lauren wants nothing to do with this. She just wants to be a normal, popular girl. things – as they say – cannot be so simple.
Ellen had never loved any man but her husband. On a foggy afternoon she walked through a once fashionable, and now deserted, neighborhood to the eighteenth cemetery where he was interred in the family mausoleum. She came to talk about their son.