This is the story of two teenage girls, best friends. It follows their voyage of sexual discovery through the eyes of one of the girls fathers. Nudism, strap-ons, virginity lost, incest, rape...sadness, loss...then a final coming together.
Big Cocked South Carolina Teen Awakens Aunt's Dormant Lust - This is a story which tells the story of a beautiful 31 yo frustrated South Carolina wife who suddenly discovers her 18 yo nephew during a summer of passion and love. This tall, blond, high breasted woman both learns and is taught by her precocious, big cocked, young lover.
Rob and Teri have been friends for years and grew up spending lots of time in the Sycamore tree reading in the treehouses they built. Now, in the very top of the tree, something happens and, as the wind blows, they give each other their virginity.
In the far future, on a remote planet, an epic adventure awaits. Brodie Erikson returns from Hersir Academy to become the military leader of his Norseman clan. He hoped to live in peace, but his enemies had other plans. In their eyes, someone as young as he was shouldn’t hold such a lofty position. Against all odds, Brodie, his two best friends, and a quirky AI face his fellow people but also a mysterious alien race with superior technology, and something far worse.
This is the follow up to the story Man Of My Dreams. I usually don't do sequels but a good friend of mine convinced me to. In this story Nicole's brother invites her to the prom. Who knows what the night will have in store for them.