What starts as a playful interaction between Jack, a successful interior designer from Singapore, and Sad, a Chinese model, turns into something very different. "Let me just show", fooled by his nice words and friendly demeanour, she mistakenly decides to trust him with her most intimate parts of her body.
A Incest Theme Stories Story (3) A horny young teenager finds his widowed mother in the throes of helping herself get off with a big dildo and he lets his own sexual fantasies take control, resulting in his becoming a mother-fucker.
Christy boarded the team bus a virgin, but after the team won and everybody on the bus started celebrating on the way home, Christy just couldn't help but get drawn in. She got off the bus having lost her virginity, but that was just the beginning. / (Reviews)
How to belong to the utmost in social status: be a cheergirl. Well you hook up with a sports jock. Check. You are not bad at gynastics. Check. You are drop dead gorgeous. Check. But what else? Oh right: loose morals!
Lexi comes home from college to visit her father for Valentine's Day. She brings her boyfriend Ray, who studies exercise physiology with her. Together Ray and Lexi give Daddy a very, very special Valentine's Day massage.
This is the story of a daughter who was uncomfortable with the stares of lust she received as a young girl and returning home from college sees them now given to her little sister. To protect her little sister, she makes a deal with her father and gives him full use of her body.