Secrets of the Underground - Cover

Secrets of the Underground

by Onyx Stone

Copyright© 2024 by Onyx Stone

Erotica Sex Story: A runaway slave escapes to a remote hillside cabin, where he is seduced by the debaucherous wife of an abolitionist.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Historical   Cheating   Interracial   Black Male   White Female   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Size   .


Throughout the early 1800s, the Underground Railroad was a lifeline for those fleeing the shackles of slavery. Thousands of brave volunteers formed the backbone of this clandestine network, scattered across the hinterlands and operating in the shadows. They worked diligently to guide runaway slaves from the plantations of the South towards the promise of freedom in the North or Canada. To those who embarked on this perilous journey, the Underground Railroad was the only glimmer of hope for freedom, one whose name lived up to its reputation. For those who stepped onto its path seemed to vanish from the world above, as if they were swallowed by the earth itself.

Among those who sought refuge in its embrace was Samuel Roberts, a runaway slave who was presently navigating the treacherous terrain of Virginia’s northern hills, as the sun dipped low on the horizon. His bare feet carried him through fields and forests for three harrowing days, the baying of bloodhounds and clattering of hooves still ringing in his ears long after he had evaded capture. Sleep had become a luxury he could no longer afford, and rest was a distant memory as he pressed ever forward, guided only by the stars at night and the sun in the daytime.

Samuel now peered out into a clearing where a solitary wooden cabin stood, hidden behind clumps of tall grass at the edge of the tree line. He believed himself to be presently on the estate of the Potters, an abolitionist family known to be allies in his journey towards freedom. Yet caution held him back in the shadows, unwilling to reveal himself until he was absolutely certain of his surroundings. The risk of recapture loomed perilously above him, threatening to snatch away the liberty he had fought so hard to grasp.

As darkness settled over the horizon, the figure of a man appeared in the doorway of the cabin, followed by the smaller figure of a woman behind him. The couple held lanterns aloft in the thickening darkness, peering out into the woods surrounding the cabin. A moment later, Samuel heard a long, loud whistle, the tune of which he recognized from his years growing up on the plantation, a folk song which had become a rallying cry for the abolitionist cause. This was the signal he waited for, intended to assure him that his arrival was expected, and that it was now safe to emerge from his hiding place.

Relief washed over Samuel as he relaxed his tensed muscles and whistled back the response to the tune. The couple hurriedly made their way down from the cabin towards his direction, holding up the lanterns to light their path.

As Elizabeth approached, the shadows seemed to part, revealing Samuel’s striking figure emerging from the darkness. His bare chest glistened with sweat, illuminated by the lanterns, rising and falling with each labored breath. The atmosphere surrounding them seemed to hang in suspense, as if spellbound by the sight of their encounter.

“Samuel?” Elizabeth called out softly. She watched as he hesitantly stepped forward, his frame haggard and weather-beaten. Her heart ached at his plight, recognizing the familiar sight of pain and suffering etched in his gaze.

“Welcome to the Potter Farm,” John’s voice broke the silence, her husband extending a flask of water to Samuel. The weary traveler accepted it with a nod of thanks, and drained the contents in a single gulp.

“Thank you, sir,” Samuel spoke, his voice weak yet filled with gratitude. “God bless you.”

“Please, call me John,” he insisted warmly, his gaze meeting Samuel’s. “And this is my wife, Elizabeth.”

“Ma’am,” Samuel acknowledged, in respectful but guarded tone.

“You must be exhausted,” Elizabeth offered gently, reaching out to grasp Samuel’s hand. He flinched slightly at her touch, a reflex born of years of mistrust and hardship. Yet she held fast, offering him solace, pulling closer to him until her soft breasts pressed gently against his elbow. “Come, let us take you inside. You’ll find safety and comfort within these walls.”

Samuel seemed to taken aback by the warmth in Elizabeth’s touch, the tenderness in her voice. No doubt, it was a kindness he hadn’t experienced in a long time, if ever.


The walls of the small wooden cabin were weathered with age and adorned with the marks of time. The warm glow of the fire cast flickering shadows across the room. To the right of the entrance stood a sturdy wooden table, surrounded by a few mismatched chairs. Against the far wall sat a simple hearth. Nearby, a small stove and sink. A basin of fresh water sat atop a large barrel, its surface reflecting the dancing flames of the fire. A single narrow cot stood nestled in the corner, its frame draped with a patchwork quilt.

John offered Samuel a seat by the wooden table, while Elizabeth busied herself with preparing a simple meal. The aroma of stew simmering on the stove soon filled the air, mingling with the crackling of the flames and the soft murmur of conversation as the trio shared a meal together.

“John’s immediate task is to arrange for a covered wagon and safe passage towards the remaining stops along your journey,” Elizabeth explained. “Ultimately, you’ll find yourself at a church in Michigan, from which point you’ll finally cross the border into Canada.”

“I am very grateful for your kindness,” Samuel replied. “I never thought I would find myself in a place like this, surrounded by good folks like yourselves.”

John nodded in understanding. “You’re not alone, Samuel,” he reassured him. “We’ve helped many others like you find their way to freedom. We’ll do everything in our power to ensure your journey is successful.”

As the conversation turned to Samuel’s past and the circumstances that had led him to their doorstep Elizabeth listened intently, her eyes glowing with admiration for the strength and resilience he had shown in the face of his trials.

“It’s a cruel world we live in,” John said, with an air of quiet indignation, “where men can lay claim to the lives and labor of others as if they were mere chattel.”

Elizabeth’s hand found its way to Samuel’s once again, her touch warm and comforting. “But there is hope, Samuel,” she interjected, her fingers gently caressing his skin, lingering perhaps a little longer than necessary. “This nightmare will surely come to an end, that I promise you. Someday, we will overcome this injustice.”

Samuel nodded his head as he carefully observed the abolitionist couple. He did not know what to make of their unbridled optimism, but he was at least grateful to be in the company of people who would aid his journey towards freedom.

As John prepared to depart for town, he turned to Samuel with a solemn gaze. “Elizabeth will take care of you in my absence,” he said, in a calm and reassuring tone. “I’ll send a trusted messenger in case there is any urgent information that must be relayed. In the meantime, we’ve ensured there are enough provisions to sustain you both until I return.”

Samuel’s unease was palpable, having spent his entire life on a Southern plantation, where the boundaries between races were rigidly enforced. The notion of being left alone with a white woman, let alone a married one, for several days was unfathomable to him. The prospect of sharing such intimate quarters with Elizabeth in her husband’s absence was beyond anything he had conceived before setting out on this journey.

Countless stories and rumors had circulated among the slaves about life in the North, yet nothing quite prepared Samuel for this moment. Tales of Yankee women freely mingling with freed slaves in ways that would have scandalized the Southern gentry had seemed like fanciful whispers from a distant realm. Yet here he was, confronted with the reality of his situation, his mind awash with conflicting emotions.

Samuel stood next to Elizabeth by the doorway in silence as they watched her husband depart. His thoughts were consumed by the weight of the unspoken as John’s lantern cast a dim glow along the footpath downhill, disappearing into the enveloping darkness.

32662-secrets-img03-jpg.jpg Within moments after John had left their sight, Elizabeth turned to Samuel with a soft look in her eyes. She approached him cautiously, taking measured steps as she closed the distance between them. The firelight cast a warm glow upon her face, illuminating her delicate features.

“Samuel,” she began softly, reaching out to gently touch his arm, “would you like me to prepare a bath for you?”

Samuel met her gaze, his face revealing his surprise at this offer. The prospect of such intimate care from a white woman was wholly unfamiliar and deeply unsettling to him, yet there was a glint in Elizabeth’s eyes that hinted at her true desires.

Their eyes lingered on each other for several moments, locked in a silent exchange that spoke the illicit words that neither dared to breathe.

“I ... I would appreciate that, ma’am,” Samuel replied hesitantly, his voice laced with uncertainty. “Thank you.”

With a gentle nod, Elizabeth turned to retrieve the basin of water from atop the barrel. As she began to prepare the bath, Samuel watched her with curiosity, trying to comprehend the nature of her intentions. He couldn’t help but notice the way her chestnut hair caught the glimmering light of the fire, casting a halo of warmth around her, as she prepared the bath with care.

After filling the basin with warm water, Elizabeth added a few drops of fragrant oil, the scent of lavender filling the air. She arranged a washcloth, soap, and pail next to the basin, before dropping down to her knees beside the bath. Turning to Samuel, she offered a comforting smile.

“Come, Samuel,” she said softly, extending her hand to him, “let me help you. You’ve suffered so much. You deserve to be treated like royalty.”

“Ma’am,” Samuel hesitated, “I don’t know if it’s right for us to be doing this.”

“Please, call me Elizabeth,” she urged, gesturing for him to approach. “I truly want to do this for you. There’s nothing to be worried about, I can assure you. We’re all alone in these hills.”

After a long moment of thoughtful consideration, Samuel took a deep breath and stepped forward towards the basin. They stood eye to eye for a moment that seemed to stretch on for eternity, before Elizabeth reached up to carefully unbutton his trousers. Samuel could scarcely believe what was happening before him, as she held onto his waistband and gently pulled his trousers down, revealing his rapidly growing manhood, mere inches away from her face.

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