Lisa wants to join a sorority and all she has to do is complete one last challenge, to get one of her sorority sisters laid. But that could be harder than it sounds, especially since the girl in question is a three-year-old black lab named Sophie.
A Swimming with Kate Story (2) What do you do when your daughter, the one with a stick figure who loves being held and tickled and massaged and wrestled with, starts to sprout curves? One solution is to continue gooping her up with sunscreen. Brushing her hair helps, too.
A teen girl spends all her money shopping and forgets to save some for the ride back. She gets help from two photographers who offer her a way to earn some cash.
A Uncle George: Adventures in the Philippines Story Uncle George has been in love with his "niece" Jonnie for years, but he's decided she's never going to love him in return. One of her cute girlfriends is crushing on both Uncle George AND his niece. Uncle George is afraid Jess will make him choose between the girls. As always, fortune favours the bold, so why choose when he can have two for the price of one?
A former Air Force officer relates the personal story of his lifelong infatuation with transsexuals. More or less a true story as related to me by a reader who wondered if I wouldn't care to write on the subject.