Meet cousins Henry and Marissa, Regina and David's kids (Between Us). Marissa has always crushed on her Cousin Henry. Now, being an adult, she wants to make the bold move to tell him how she feels, but what will their parents say?
What do you do when the last fertile male in the family tree is going off to war? You try to ensure that the line goes on, of course. Brilliant minds work alike, and in this family there are a LOT of brilliant minds.
A story in the Blanke Schande College Universe
The story of a brother and a sister and how a random selection on a school elective sheet leads to a life of public nudity that includes all the trimmings - like public masturbation and sex!
Written by a Japanese female teen ten years ago, the sexual bacchanal continues in this 50% larger volume as Kev's world of sexuality grows larger and far more complex. As more and more become involved, it becomes more difficult to keep things under wrap. Cracks form in the facade, and things become more desperate. Who will break first? Who will fall off the cliff and bring all others into the sexually-abyssal whirlpool that is forming.
A Story in the Brother & Sister Love Universe
That summer has started with me seeing my big sister - naked and doing things with her best friend that gave me very un-brotherly feelings for the both of them. You can read the first two parts of the story to see how we went from there to full on sex. It was a few weeks after that first fateful day that we realized our taboo lust had turned into something deeper. It was that same day that the worst thing that could happen, did happen - we were caught!
The husbands of two well-to-do young couples conspire to change their prudish wives into swingers. Things really heat up when the wives accept swapping and sugest bringing a new young couple into the fun and games.
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (25) On this day, Karen and Abby have fun baking cookies then she tells Abby in quite vivid detail, the story of how she and Dan first met. "...I've heard bits and pieces from general conversations and it sounds very sexy and erotic," Abby mentioned. "It is very erotic how we met and spent the day," Karen smiled remembering that wonderful, fateful day.
A Story in the Wendy's Worlds Universe
Jimmy Moon and his twin sister June. She is going to practice her newly discovered girlship on a boy at the Snack Shop...Jimmy is going along to tease. Walking on the beach Jimmy spies something in the water...
Burr (2) Dominoes takes up where Burr left off. It is assumed the reader knows past characters and the circumstances that got Sammy to this point. To Sammy, dots on the falling domino are telling, a forecast of future events. In his senior year at Cromwell Military Academy he connects the dots to his life.