College actress Daisy stole the show from Olivia, the leading lady. In the play, Olivia's character beats her up badly during a confrontation. Now, though, at the cast party, there's a real life confrontation, as Olivia, watching Daisy soak up all the praise and attention, can take no more. This explosion of emotion has no script, and the ending leaves one girl stripped and humiliated in a VERY unusual way.
In the bloodsoaked chapel, following the Duke of Warwick's revenge, Amity gives praise to the lord. Amity's vow of denial is the only sacrifice she can make to the Lord who has spared her the fate suffered by the rest of the Baron of Flint's demesne as a result of his stupidity and dereliction of duty.
Sharon is willing to try just about anything to save her relationship with Tyke, but whenever they talk, they argue. She tries a new approach, with some success, but even that strays off course. Maybe they're just not meant to be together. It's probably a stretch to call it a romantic story, but I've been itching to try something in that genre.
In England, schools deemed by the ‘Ofsted’ (Office for standards in education) inspectors to be under-achieving, are put on ‘special measures’. Often this means the appointment of a new headmaster charged with the task of bring the school back to the required standard. For pupils at this school, ‘special measures’ has an entirely different meaning.