Earth is besieged by a technologically advanced race of matriarchal Futazons. Their mission: to empower the females and subjugate the males of every intelligent, dimorphous species in the galaxy.
No one truly knows why the aliens suddenly invaded Earth, but they seem to only want one thing: to turn all of humanity into their mindless sex slaves. College professor Sarah Cassidy and her students spend the first day of the invasion running from monstrous forms, hoping to avoid the terrible fate of being captured by writhing tentacles and added to the breeding nest. Will they manage to outwit the extraterrestrial rapists, or will their holes become subjected to endless pleasure? / (Reviews)
Abby Rhode had her life planned. Accepted into the Air Force Academy, she was set to live her dream. The lovely futa longed to lose her virginity first though. Just before Christmas she meets someone who can help. Armed with a witch’s portal spell, Abby plans on bagging a fertile virgin pussy. She’ll learn Christmas Day that things never work out the way they do in online sex stories.
Unexpectedly, but not for the first time, a videotape turns up in a guys office in-tray one morning. What kind of ramifications is it going to have on his life, this time? / (Reviews)
Marcus Upton is a young man living in New York City. He has a good job in finance, great friends, a good job, and the love of a good woman. And then a single day changed all that for him. Enjoy the journey of a regular man who has just come into unbelievable wealth and witness the doors and opportunities it opens for him.
A Swarm Cycle Story
Calix has left his cousin's gang behind and agreed to fight for humanity out among the stars. What does that even mean? Will he find himself and, maybe, a new family?