This is a description of the first time I cheated.
I was embarrassed when I felt Mike's hand on my knee, but I was afraid to make a scene. After all, Mike is Sammy's boss.
Sammy still doesn't know what I did that night.
Commander Jane Shepard would fuck anything and anyone. She didn’t care if it came with a dick or a pussy, Commander Shepard simply liked to fuck. What she didn’t realise is that many of the women on her crew were just as deviant. And it all started thanks to a particular yeoman who had some rather deviant tastes indeed… Lots of bestiality, lesbian sex and futanari. Yes, might sound strange to mix the three together, but it makes sense as the story progresses.
Chance Gim had a plan that would put many luscious women into his loser's life. All it took was the use of magic as an irresistable lure. What women, he felt, didn't want a more magical life, with more control over her destiny? He, and his two cronies, Ben and Jerry, now had 12 faithful female minions in their group. Then along came Yolanda...
Sarah's boss wanted her body, but he was afraid he might lose her if he made a pass at her. Then Wendy came along, so Sarah was blackmailed into sex with Simon, and some customers, and then sacked at the end of the month.