Consequences is a group of stories, each of them separate and not connected to the others. Their main issue is the effect of illegitimate sex on the family unit. Readers who are looking for active sex scenes and descriptions - please find other stories to read. This is the second story of this group.
A Widower Episode (6) One of Bob's earlier conquests comes back, unannounced, for seconds and brings her mother ! Bob hardly skips a beat and balls the both of them. A mother-daughter combo that's hard to beat.
I stop at my neighbors house while out for my morning walk and surprise her and another female neighbor in her hot tub. They invite me to join them and since they are wearing bathing suits and it all seems innocent I do. I end up finding out that my neighbors are not the innocent faithfull wives I thought they were!
Betty has talent agency which is a front for her beast training business of providing dogs for wealthy clients. This story revolves around one of her friends who has been jilted by her husband. Much descriptive sex, to include hetro and beast are included.