Mary Jane flies home to attend her twentieth high school class reunion. Throughout the evening, the class "round heels" renews her old reputation and then some. Several old girlfriends try to keep up with her, but it's no contest. Mary Jane is the Queen Slut.
Anora, Queen of Ferelden, is widely know as the Ice Queen, and for a reason. Aedan, her new husband, isn't willing to put up with her reluctance any more. And there are two things working in his favour: one, he knew what Anora was like when he married her - he was friends with her late husband. And two, he is not, as everyone believes, a Nice Guy.
Harry is doing one of the things he likes best when he finds one of his other favourites. He is at the football match when he meets a girl. What a girl! A drink followed by lunch the next day followed by.
Wade suspects Claire of infidelity and gathers evidence. Before he can complete his investigation and confront her, their seven-year-old daughter accidently 'outs' her mom in a public forum. What should Wade do now? / (Reviews)
After a direct assault fails, the Mind Worms find themselves a very special niche to occupy. Julie and Cassie are brought into the Worms' world amidst the ruin of their failed love lives.