A nerd, a cheerleader, an attempted murder. A physics experiment gone awry changes the lives of a brother and his sister. There is some sex in this but it is not the main thrust (sorry, couldn't resist) of the story.
A story in the Flintkote Universe
Sultry Wench and Jack Flintkote had three children. Surprise Me was the youngest.
It is important that the reader recognizes that the author is bat-shit crazy and ...although the places generally resemble the facts...what happens is purely in that bat-shit. Thank you.
A Story in the Wendy's Worlds Universe
This, that, some of the other. You know I have no idea what she, my muse, is cooking up. It happens when it happens. It is what it is. No sex at first. We're too young. Later on...oh my...at least I hope so. Time is heavily featured...travel is too. Oh...The Capitol is in D.C. A State Capital is in the state. That's how I was taught and I'm sticking to it.
Burr (2) Dominoes takes up where Burr left off. It is assumed the reader knows past characters and the circumstances that got Sammy to this point. To Sammy, dots on the falling domino are telling, a forecast of future events. In his senior year at Cromwell Military Academy he connects the dots to his life.
Grant McLeod is a geek and 18 year old Virgin but maybe not for long. Not when he asks his sister for advice. “I can’t wear jeans they hurt me. I need more room than they give me.” She frowned. “Please, you’re not fat, how can you need more room?” He blushed. “Not in the hips or stomach, Fiona. I need more room in the zipper area.” She laughed. “What, you’ve got a big nine-inch monster cock?” “I haven’t been nine inches since I was twelve, Fiona.” “You’re full of shit." "I'm Not." "Show Me.