"Thawing Hearts" is a story about a controlling mother and her son starving for her love, each carrying the weight of past hurts. They accept their love for each other and venture out to find true happiness. This is a Harem / Polygyny story.
THIS STORY IS BEING EDITED FOR THE FIRST TIME AS YOU READ THIS, I WILL REPOST WHEN IT IS FINISHED: Jay Lamours' life was devistated at a young age by his first love. The events from that point in his life changed his heart, leading him to search for the perfect woman and taking advantage of everyone with a special gift he possessed.(You will love, laugh, cry and hate.)
During Christmas vacation a mother, daughter and son are turned on by the daughter's older boyfriend. While the mother gets seduced by the boyfriend, brother and sister get it on after they see what is happening between the two. The son thinks his sister is sleeping on the couch and seduces her, then finds out it was his mother. On orgy ensues when the daughter and her boyfriend come in to see what the noise is in the living room. What a Christmas Vacation!