Two college friends meet unexpectedly in a bar in Bowling Green, Ohio. One finally tells the other the story of his sexual life since leaving school. Tells how he and his sisters share a secret, taboo lifestyle...
Muffy visits her cousins on the farm every summer, but this year something's different. Her cousins are hiding something. When she finds out what it is, she wants to join in. Then they all find out there's much more to their ancestry than anyone would have thought. What they learn brings new meaning to "It's a family affair".
Samantha is in town on business and is looking for a hook-up on some dating apps. One phrase that she sees strikes a chord with her: 'Likes strong women'. She might be reading too much into it but the guy is cute so she goes for it. Oliver, it turns out, is everything she's looking for... and more.
Natalie attends a Halloween party with Jason, her daughter's boyfriend. Jason is a very hands-on kind of guy. If not for rule eleven, this would have been my entry for the Halloween story contest. Consider this a non-canon fork from The Loyalty Gene. Time-wise, it's set between chapters eight and nine. / (Reviews)