In a post-apocalyptic world, Yakhir is an apprentice archivist with a seemingly bright future. However, his father is dead, possibly assassinated, his lover may be a spy and his sister is telling everyone how well endowed he is. The world is recovering from The Great Burn; but will Yakhir be around to enjoy its blossoming. / (Reviews)
A TXLT2 Story (3) Follow a sexually charged Anderson family on their combination tour and family camping trip where sex follows them to every stop not to mention a mystery stalker that has made the youngest daughter the target of terror.
Pamela overhears her parents role-playing daddy/daughter, damages her father’s car, and gets punished. She provokes her father and gets another spanking and more. Her mother dominates her, then Daddy dominates them both. While Daddy’s away, Pam’s brother takes charge, Pam seduces him, and more activities ensue as their mother enters the dynamic. This is a long story, over 63K words in fifteen chapters. Not all tags apply to each chapter. My thanks to Jim (mojavejoe420) for being my first reader.
The single parents only intended to chaperone their kids on a date or two, but they got distracted by being attracted to each other. Monkey see, monkey do, as they say. When the parents found out the kids had been copying everything they saw the parents do, they tried to make that stop. Since the passion unleashed in the kids was extreme, it seemed like extreme measures were called for. Have you ever heard that old saying: From the frying pan into the fire?
Jeremiah Bartholomew, a 13 year old kid from NYC, winds up in show business in Texas in 1870, billed as the best pistol shot in all of Texas. He may be, because he's already killed 2 men with his gun. Join him and his friends, Jake, the snake oil salesman, and Sally, the exotic dancer, as they roam about Texas trying to make an honest dollar.
A TXLT2 Story (4) Follow the Anderson kids to summer camp and the parents on their anniversary Caribbean cruise where everyone enjoys the many pleasing activities offered them on their vacations starting of course with sex.
Daniel lives with his mother who dies in a car accident along with her boyfriend. Daniel moves to Cambridge to live with his aunt and cousin, transforming into Deedi on the way.