What starts as a playful interaction between Jack, a successful interior designer from Singapore, and Sad, a Chinese model, turns into something very different. "Let me just show", fooled by his nice words and friendly demeanour, she mistakenly decides to trust him with her most intimate parts of her body.
Doug Lewis creates a special experiment to see if he can control the thoughts of others using different musical sounds. His experiment takes him out into the community. See how far the experiment takes him! Written for a friend...
A Incest Theme Stories Story (3) A horny young teenager finds his widowed mother in the throes of helping herself get off with a big dildo and he lets his own sexual fantasies take control, resulting in his becoming a mother-fucker.
A change of pace story, something light to take my mind off of weightier thoughts. I'm sure this story really happened to someone, but it wasn't me or anyone I knew.