Born with a freak, physical anomaly, our boy first believes his condition to be normal. Later, he thinks it's a curse until... Well, you'll just have to read the story to see what it's all about.
Lust turns to love when an Englishman meets a beautiful Asian/American student. This is a relationship/romance story, with a good sprinkling of full-on sex and a touch of humor.
A New Arcadia Story (4) A sixteen year old boy describes what it's like to be trained by his parents, his elders and his fellow teenagers in the arts of sex in New Arcadia. After mastering his libido and indulging in every form of sex play short of intercourse, he is initiated in a bukkake ritual and chooses his cousin as his first fuckmate.
What a nice surprise. I meet my sister for the first time, just before graduating from college. We hit it off great. We continue to hit it off great when she meets our mother.
In 1957 Michael Nyland is one of the few male nurses working at Chelmsford Memorial Hospital. Matron Amanda Holliday and Doctor Lovejoy have uncovered his secret fetish for lingerie. One day he wakes up in one of the private wards tied to the bed dressed in silky full-slip, satin cami-knickers, sheer hose, high-heels; and makeup professionally applied and hair coiffured. Nurse Nyland has no choice but to satisfy the Doctor but is totally unprepared for life as a transvestite prostitute.