Set within the Star Wars universe during the Empire Strikes Back, Princess Leia has just finishing shutting up Han Solo by passionately kissing Luke Skywalker. Leaving in a huff, she finds herself alone and aroused in an empty part of the Rebel base on Hoth, where she finds time to herself.
The Somers family is a simmering bed of sexual frustration. Missy, the daughter, brings the family to a boil when she decides that her brother is a splendid candidate to ease her needs.
A Halloween Story
The is what happens after too much Capt. Morgan in late October - a Halloween story about John(ny), Jack, and Jim. Additional code: clothing fetish. I wrote it for, well, you know who you are.
Somewhat repressed Dani seems too innocent and too plain. Why was sharing a friend's dowdy wife with friends and pizza so surprising? =================== I hope someone can divine why my muse ejected me from bed and pressured me to write this. I haven't a clue. It is a fun read too. You may want to read the story behind this story which is appended, for now.
The middle story following "Weekend at Grandma's". Teenage swinger Amber is going from high school to the university, with stops at a community college, a network based around sex, and several parties (read orgies). Preparing for college is not easy, especially for a swinger who must hide that activity from others.
A Story in the Kylie X. Interracial Stories Universe
When a black college coed meets the white man of her dreams, it's bound to create quite a sensation in Kylie's conservative family. When it turns out that her seventeen-year-old sister has a white boyfriend of her own, however, that's when things really get crazy!
A Ginnie's Journey Story (3) In this continuation of "Daughters of Priapus," Ginnie experiments with sex toys made of ice, and tries them out on some willing friends.
A chance encounter with a MasterPC user in a bar gives Barry a night he'll never forget. Told from the perspective of a MasterPC user's beneficiary rather than the user's viewpoint.