Billy was thirteen, maybe a little old for babysitters, but he really didn't mind. That was especially true when he met his latest sitter, a cute, athletic high-school girl with an interesting career choice. / (Reviews)
A Story in the Shiny-verse Universe
An Experiment Gone Horribly Right! This Crichton-esque novel is about genetic manipulation, and how when you alter genes you might alter what it means to be human.
Vanessa never realized the depth of her passionate nature, until she met Scott. Scott showed Vanessa how hot she really was. She didn't always know what she wanted, but he seemed to know. Scott showed her what she wanted, and then made her desire for it overwhelming before he fulfilled that desire.
Life's roll of the dice took away Darlene Lee's reason for living. In a fluke accident she lost her partner in life; throwing her into the woes of depression. The need of one of her new neighbor’s opens a small crack in the door of life that gradually results in a reason for her New Beginning.
The parents of Kenny, a fourteen-year-old Denver boy, have busy lives and don't give the boy the attention he craves. He could do anything and they wouldn't notice. He has struggled with his sexuality and decided he prefers men. Men, not other boys. He also wants attention and expensive toys, all of which can come together for him if he can get the necessary experience. His scout master, Bob Butler, is more than willing to give him that experience.