The Best Way to Start a Morning - Cover

The Best Way to Start a Morning

by dirtymindedwife

Copyright© 2024 by dirtymindedwife

Erotica Sex Story: A quickie in the shower before work.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Masturbation   .

I scroll through my phone, towel wrapped around me as I sit on the edge of my bed, James snoring behind me. It was a quarter after seven, and my inbox was already blowing up with work emails. Dealing with frantic bank managers and incompetent installation techs is no way to start a morning.

I sigh, setting my phone down next to me as I glance over my shoulder at the sexy college linebackers coach. I want to climb back under the blankets and cuddle up against the broad, sweeping plane of his back and press my tits into him. A wave of desire sends a shiver over me. It’s a damn shame it’s not a lazy Sunday morning.

I stand and head into the bathroom, wincing at the flecks of toothpaste on the mirror and the dirty clothes strewn about the floor. I reach behind the shower curtain and turn on the hot water, holding my hand under the powerful stream until it’s the appropriate temperature.

My desire lingers and I rub my thighs together, wetness spreading over my smooth skin. A quick orgasm will clear my head. I could be in and out of the shower in ten minutes.

Hot water rushes over me, the heat relieving all the tension in my body. I press my hand against the cool, white tile wall as I lean forward, water cascading down my back as I reach for my shampoo bottle. I’d reduced my shower time by half since I’d cut my hair short and the money I’d saved on shampoo, conditioner, and other products was already adding up.

The sweet smell of mango tickles my nose as I rinse my skin, bubbles swirling down the drain with a steady gurgle. Now, it’s time for the fun part. I raise my leg, resting my foot on the edge of the white, porcelain enamel bathtub, one hand spreading my silky smooth pussy lips apart while the other teases my swollen clit.

Pleasure pulses from my hard bud with every stroke, tension melting away from my body as I relax. If only James was here to massage my heavy breasts. It would be even better if he knelt in front of me and ate my pussy with abandon.

I moan, closing my eyes and throwing my head back as I work toward my release.

The shower curtain rustles, the hooks rattling as they slide over the metal bar overhead.

I jerk in surprise, raising my hands to my chest and taking a step back.

James smiles as he climbs inside, a single dimple in his left cheek driving me wild. “Need some help?”

I laugh, holding my arms out, breathless as he presses his hairy, rock hard body against mine. “I’m open to suggestions.”

He chuckles, the low rumble in his chest reverberating through me.

My clit throbs between my pussy lips, aching for attention.

He cups the back of my head, his other arm sliding around my waist as he kisses me, his lips hard on mine. James thrusts his tongue into my mouth and I moan, bucking my hips into him. His big cock twitches against my hairless mound as he teases my tongue with his, coaxing me into mimicking his movements.

He breaks our kiss, my mouth lacking without his tongue inside, and slides his hand from around my waist, massaging his way down to my pussy lips. James gently probes my folds with his thumb, electric pleasure surging through me when he finds my clit. His dark eyes crinkle at edges as he rubs firm circles over my tender bundle of nerves.

I shudder and gasp, letting go of his cock. I raise my leg and hook it over his hip to give him greater access to my needy sex. His cock is hard against my flat belly. I stroke his shoulders and back, treasuring each ridge of well-developed muscle.

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