Jimmy, Angie, and Jean are celebrating their graduation from high school by taking a day trip on Jimmy's father's boat to the Bermuda Triangle. They get caught in a mysterious storm and are transported back in time 65-75 million years. Join them as they try to cope with being marooned in time with danger on every side. Can they survive? By the way, there are no aliens in this story, but it is an alternate reality.
Leave your teenage daughter with California hippies for a four months and you'll get back a different girl with a tattoo she can't show you. Add an embarrassing accident while driving her home, and you'll have a prickly situation on your hands.
An Uncle Bob Story Bob's niece is rebuilding a classic Shelby in his garage, but the body he's looking at isn't made of metal. When he tries to back her down, she'd rather rev it up, and once she hits the Nitrous, he can't compete. / (Reviews)
Boy meets girl. Boy and girl fuck. Boy and girl fall in love, get married, have kids. BUT... it's not quite that simple! If you are a fan of a well-written love story that has plenty of twists and turns, and plenty of sex, then this book is for you! You'll laugh, cry, and root, root, root for the home team in sexy journey of friendship and love. And, if you grab the entire eBook over on Bookapy (under $5!) you won't have to wait, and, you probably won't put the book down!
During the middle ages, Elizabeth a baron's daughter, marries Karl, the son of powerful lord. This is the story of their first few days, and nights, together.
We all need love. Especially Janie. I adopted her thinking I would protect her from evil men wanting to use her. Little did I know I'd become one, too.
When a father actually looks at the curriculum for what is called "Sexual Education" in his daughter's school, he feels like it doesn't really prepare students for the sexual lives they will eventually have. So some home-schooling is in order, because she got invited to prom and he wants her to know what to expect.
Iran already led the Middle East in underage marriages, but with Iranian government banks issuing loans for marriage expenses, underage marriage shyrocketed. What happens when a man tries to sell his fifteen year old daughter who is deaf, dumb and blinds? Read on to see how this girl find happiness.
A Danielle story (9) I was trying to write an essay for school about how great America is. To get myself inspired, I wrote, as kind of a joke, about the greatest freedom I know: running around naked. I just hope it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. Illustration by BRUNO TRAVEN.