'Leona had been with the firm four months and must have given the brush-off to almost every man in the place before I finally plucked up the courage to talk to her.' And so starts this tale of love and fate.
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (137) On this day, Dan, Tina, and Wendy meet Peter, Derek, Rita Davidson, in the Constellation Lounge for more sexy fun.
David Miller thought he'd hit the jackpot when a secretary at work took enough of an interest in his writing to offer to edit and retype his stories. The real prize, however, was yet to come.
A The Gigolo Chronicles Story (5) Cherrie is a very special client of Tony's - they all are special but he enjoys the firey passion of the redheaded Cherrie. She lives in Coral Gables so this time he flies east to visit her. But whether he flies east or west, he makes sure his girl gets his undivided attention!
A night out with his wife turned into a nightmare. Tony has to find the men that left him for dead and put his wife in a coma. The road to his recovery and finding them was long and life-changing.
A story in the Gabatrix Series Universe
Set in 2350, the Shira Maneuver continues two weeks after The Terrorists of Batrice. All is well for Shira and Javier on Aphadus, until others make an attempt on Shira's life. Now the couple must live a life of tedium on a vessel as war and threats continue to thrive. Story contains: Swearing, Space, Science Fiction, Future, Sex, Love, War, Violence, Blood, Interspecies, Intercourse, Male Human, Female Alien, Scalie, Human/Anthro or Human/Alien Sex, Rough Sex, M/F
Along with her girlfriend Jenn, Lisa takes a week-long vacation to California where she is reunited with her cousin-turned-porn-star, Suzi. The three beautiful ladies have a week to remember as well; they have sex with a wide variety of people.
When a visiting trainer loses to Brock in a gym match, she makes a personal off the scenes arrangement to get her badge. Brock being Brock, of course he accepts.