Paradigm Shift Redux - Cover


Paradigm Shift Redux

by Wolf

Copyright© 2024 by Wolf

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa, Consensual, Heterosexual, Incest, Polygamy/Polyamory, Swinging,

Erotica Sex Story: Matt discovers his loving fiancée has a compulsion to be with other men. After several hiccups in their fiery romance, he must decide whether to break-up with his soul mate and the love of his life, or adjust to her flagrant behavior. He analyzes, talks to others, interacts with other women, and experiments, as his thinking evolves in a thought-provoking paradigm shift on their relationship. Much graphic sex toward end of story. Heavy rewrite of old story.

This is a rewrite of a story I posted over eight years ago, wrote well-over a decade ago, and lived through (partly) several decades before that. The subject is about a man’s struggle in the face of love and a nearly intolerable impasse, and finally the resolution. The story spans multiple categories, but loving ‘wife’ and group summarize much of it. Lots of sex. (9 Chapters; 72,000 words). ;-)

“Change your thinking, change your life.”
Wayne Dyer

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