Paradigm Shift Redux - Cover

Paradigm Shift Redux

Copyright© 2024 by Wolf

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Matt discovers his loving fiancée has a compulsion to be with other men. After several hiccups in their fiery romance, he must decide whether to break-up with his soul mate and the love of his life, or adjust to her flagrant behavior. He analyzes, talks to others, interacts with other women, and experiments, as his thinking evolves in a thought-provoking paradigm shift on their relationship. Much graphic sex toward end of story. Heavy rewrite of old story.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging  

Authors Note: All characters mentioned in this story are over the age of 24. At no time is there any reference to sex before being well-over legal age.

There were already about eighty people at the party when we walked in, and more were arriving every minute. Six others walked in with us. We deposited our hors d’oeuvres on the proper table so they’d be eaten, presented the wine to Amber, who plastered her barely clad body against mine for an epic hug and kiss that almost felt like raw sex, and then made sure we got to the right bar so we could get our first drinks. Amber went back to repeat the routine on the next arrivals. The waitresses were walking around in their sexy uniforms serving hors d’oeuvres.

Marcie was next to press into me with her whole body, and give me a serious kiss. “Lover. I hope you have something long and hard for me tonight.” She ground her pelvis against mine.

I made a pretend gesture of checking my iPhone calendar. “Well, I have a three-minute window between ten-twenty-seven and ten-thirty tonight; will that work?”

Marcie punched my shoulder. “Doofus. I want you to fuck me for hours, like you did the last time. You were the best in my life – are the best in my life.”

I teased, “Do you want quantity or quality this time?”

Marcie laughed and blurted out, “Both.” KC laughed, and that only led to Marcie kissing her in a sapphic way. “I also want to eat your pussy while Matt fucks me. I am so horny I think I’ll burst. Whatever happens, I am going to be so well-fucked by tomorrow morning, I might not need sex the rest of the month if my expectations are met.”

I saw KC eagerly nod not only in understanding of the last statement, but also in total agreement. I was feeling that way myself, despite the twist in my gut about how KC’s evening might turn out. In that instant, I felt myself vacillate. I had been an asshole, even to myself. Why couldn’t I just accept things as they were and move on? I knew I was close except for a final step that I expected to be that night. KC more or less knew that, but I’d tried to downplay any negative result.

I looked around the party, taking in an increasing number of single guys that Jon imported from somewhere, probably from where he worked in radio or football land. I gestured at the men and said to Marcie, “Well, I think you’ll end up just as you stated. There seem to be a lot to choose from.” I turned to KC, “Both of you,” and then audaciously laughed. KC lightly punched my shoulder.

Doug joined us, and we chatted about a couple mundane things, including his new old car – the 1957 Chevy convertible that sat in his garage most of the time. I kept teasing him about how little he drove it, something about the cost per mile being astronomical.

Don and Edie joined us. Edie did her little welcoming squirming routine all over my body with her small lithe body. I already had a partial hard-on thinking about what might happen later in the evening, and Edie just aggravated the situation bringing me up to a more embarrassing state when I stood in profile view. I briefly regretted wearing lose clothing.

Tyler and Kelsey Winthrop joined us with much less fanfare, although Kelsey did give me the most beautiful loving kisses – sultry ones that left me panting for more. She also whispered in my ear about her desire for me to sexually please her later in the evening. I guess I was going to have a busy night.

As far as surprises, Cameron found me next. She kissed me and then gave me a megawatt smile as I took in the outfit she wore. The top was a see-through white camisole. Cam’s beautiful unclad breasts shimmied under the gossamer material and invited not only gawking but also fondling. I ran a finger up her tummy and then onto and around one breast, ending at the nipple that I pinched gently in a loving way through the material. The nip hardened in my fingers and didn’t revert to its relaxed state.

She also wore black hot pants that were also see-through; it took me a moment to realize that there was no shadow of a gusset; there was only Cam’s bare slit and labia that I’d shaved on display beneath the gauzy material. She was in four-inch ‘come-fuck-me’ heels that capped off one sexy outfit. Cam ran her hands down her side, “Did I overdo it? Are these OK?”

I spoke in a choked-up voice, “Oh, no. They’re just fine – perfect for what I think you have in mind.”

I made sure Cam knew everyone: Don, Edie, Kelsey and Tyler, who were standing with me. She already knew KC, of course. About then, a man I didn’t know arrived with two drinks wearing shorts and a Hawaiian shirt. He gave a glass of wine to Cam.

Cameron introduced Peter to us. Peter paid me special attention. When he could talk somewhat privately to me because people in our circle had drifted away or other conversations had started, he said, “You and I share a common interest.”

I smiled, “Yes, I love your fiancée.”

KC stepped into our conversation with a devilish look on her face. I didn’t know she’d been listening. She teased Peter, “Matt also loves to fuck Cameron. I’m sure she likes it too. He has a very large cock both in length and girth, and he knows how to extract orgasm after orgasm from her. He’s told me all about it, and I get turned on by her, too. I’m hoping that she and I can have a little girl-on-girl action real soon, too.”

Peter laughed. “I was warned about you KC. Cam said you liked sex, sex, and more sex, and that you also like to tease. I stand in awe of your talents already, and I’ve only heard you speak for ten seconds.”

KC smiled, and then went and planted a polite kiss on the man’s lips, one that I was sure melted the soles of his shoes by the time she was through. KC then let the kiss expand into something more significant when she introduced some tongue and a full-body press to it that resulted in their groins grinding together. Good sport that he was, Peter just rolled with it. KC then turned to Cameron, and the two of them entered a sapphic kiss that didn’t stop for well over a minute. It involved a lot of tongue, writhing, and rubbing together, as well as whispered but audible words about sex and eating cunts that we could hear from each of them. I know I got harder. Cam and KC were on the same wavelength with each other.

Peter just shook his head and held up both hands. He repeated, “Whatever she wants. Whatever she wants.”

I posed, “Whatever?”

He nodded, “I am hopelessly and unconditionally in love with her. I don’t care what she does, so long as she saves a piece of her heart for me. I would rather have her in my life with some imperfections, than not. Of course, none of us are perfect, so she has to take me and my many foibles, too.”

I nodded at the statement but I didn’t think he knew how profound he’d just sounded to me. I had pretty much reached much the same conclusion about KC, although that evening would probably be a huge test of that love and my resolve to just let things happen and to roll with the punches if I felt them.

As I thought and looked at KC, I realized that I was into the whole scene of the party and whatever KC chose to do.

Don slid up beside me with a beer can in hand and offered to both of us, “Well, I have a wife like that, too, and I can attest that life is anything but boring. You never know from moment to moment what will be happening or what you’ll be doing or feeling, but you know the ride will be fabulous even when there are some dark zones to it.”

Peter and I both agreed, although I resisted putting KC’s proclivity to fuck other men on what Don referred to as the ‘dark side.’ I was trying with all my might to not think of that activity as bad, wrong, or dark, per my talk with Chris. I’d even tried some affirmative statements all month about how KC fucking other men was great and wonderful and would lead to great and wonderful things for me, and for the two of us.

I expected a little more from Peter, perhaps some sarcastic chiding about how I treated his fiancée or that I was fucking her when she should have been with him, but he said none of that. If anything, he obviously idolized Cameron, and paid me the complement of being friendly and welcoming, even more so because I loved his girl. The points didn’t go unnoticed by KC, Cam, Edie, and the others in our circle. The pressure was on.

We got some plates of food, munched down the dinner meal while sitting together at a table, enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to Jon, and then consumed a rich piece of birthday cake with icing an inch thick that left us all with sugar highs. I hoped the sugar reacted positively with the various pills that I’d taken to make me a sexual superman that night.

At that point the party shifted into another gear. Some retro dance music with a strong beat started in the family room, with a crowd of dancers in there and spilling out onto the patio through open French doors along with the loud music. Over a dozen other semi-nude female swimmers went in the pool along with a group of males, and the usual ‘debaters’ started their circle in the living room arguing about subjects with no closure, and laughing a lot at the witty comments that got made. The cute waitresses appeared topless and nearly bottomless, wearing only tiny thongs, thigh high black stockings, white cuffs and neck bands, little servant caps, and fuck-me heels that left little to the imagination.

KC was with me when I felt her jerk hard against me and heard her exclaim, “Oh, my God. Holy shit. Oh, fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” Her curses sounded in a near panic and even on the verge of hysteria. Since she didn’t normally swear without a really good cause. Her grip on my arm became almost painful.

I asked, “What’s wrong?”

“She looked at me like I’d grown a third head and kept saying, “No, no, no. no, no, no! This can’t be happening ... not here, not now, not tonight. Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Tears flooded her eyes.

I looked at her and then followed her line of sight towards the home’s foyer. Just arriving for the party were Logan, Deke, and Steve, that I immediately recognized from KC’s DVD that I’d seen dozens of times. They had also been the subject of quite a few of her sexy stories she’d shared when revving me up using a little of her past and getting me used to the idea of her with other men. They’d been her fuck-buddies up until a few years prior.

I couldn’t be sure what she was feeling, but I could attest that my stomach lurched and spasmed so hard, I momentarily thought I’d barf my dinner right there on the patio and have a heart attack without any chance of recovery. I choked down some of the bile that rose to my mouth and burned my esophagus. I sipped my wine to cover the unpleasant taste in my mouth, and tried to look cool, calm, and collected. Inside, I was anything but.

I suddenly felt I knew where the arc of the evening would go with KC. She’d been the men’s sexual toy and playmate for a long-time. I suspected that tonight wouldn’t be any different.

I looked at KC, and her eyes were locked on mine. Near tears, she pleaded, “I swear I didn’t know. I haven’t seen them in four years. I had no idea they were even in town. I don’t know what they’re doing here. I would never even think that they knew any of our neighbors; they’d all moved away after college and grad school.”

I took a swig of my wine and teased with some bravado, “Well, darling, why don’t you introduce me to your old friends?” I had to applaud my own audacity and acting skills. I was trying to act as though their presence made little difference to me, when the situation was light years in the opposite direction. I was about to faint dead away, and I realized that I feared these men and what they could do to KC and possibly to our relationship. Not only did this mean KC would have sex at the party, it meant she’d be in a foursome with her three old lovers – she’d be screwed eight ways from Sunday by Monday morning. I wondered if, starting seconds from right then, whether I’d ever see her again.

KC took a huge breath, braced herself, and followed slightly behind me as we walked towards the men. Amber was greeting them like long lost buddies, so she seemed to know knew them from some prior life. I saw Darlene nearby looking pleased with herself.

“KC!” Logan exclaimed in a loud and joyful voice when he saw her. He was obviously pleased beyond belief.

The other two men turned, and broke into huge smiles. KC was immediately swept up in kisses and hugs from the three men. I stood to the side and watched. Everyone was talking at once, talking about how long it had been, where people lived now, what they were doing, and so on. I took in the body language and tried to determine the chemistry between each of them.

KC finally pulled me forward into their circle in the wide hallway. She introduced me as her fiancé to the three men, and I enjoyed a lot of taunts from the men about having captured the most wonderful and alluring woman on the planet. Of course, I admitted to having done just that, but now I was running to keep up with her. We laughed and politely joked. If there was any undercurrent of their past sexual liaisons, I didn’t sense it at that time.

I noticed KC’s drink was empty, so at a good point I took her glass and went to get a refill. She pulled the men more into the house, as they continued talking. I could tell they had a lot of catching up to do. They might have been great fuck buddies, but they had also been good friends who lost touch. Ten minutes later, I brought KC back a glass of wine and passed it to her. I then left her and her old friends. KC didn’t look so worried, and I guess her initial angst at seeing the men had passed in favor of her natural flirty style. As I left her, she did give me longing look – even one that signaled her concern.

Darlene came to me with a kiss and smile. “I see KC is with her old friends. She didn’t know they were going to be here.”

“She said she didn’t,” I said. Even as I replied, I realized something was amiss.

“No, I made sure she didn’t,” Darlene said in an affirmative tone.


“I invited them. I cleared it with Amber; who’d met them once or twice years ago, but I saw a lot of them back when KC was dating them – the three of them together, but mostly Logan and Deke. I even fucked them a few times.”

“What did you do – and I mean about tonight?”

“I searched for them on Facebook, got in touch, and then told them I wanted to surprise KC at this party. None of them live nearby, but they traveled here just for the party – to see KC.”

I squinted my eyes at Darlene. “And you did this just so they’d have a nice conversation and catch up?” I think I already knew the answer.

“No. I did it so that they would fuck the daylights out of KC while you watched or were nearby, hopefully fucking me. You need to make a decision – tonight! I know the video she made with these guys turns you on, but that’s old news. KC told me how you play the video sometimes while you’re making love and that you even showed it to Cameron.

Darlene sounded peeved, “This is ‘The Night’ – now, and you have to finally decide before the sun rises tomorrow morning about your future with KC ... and with me, indirectly. My sister is a fucking basket case because of you. She doesn’t let you see it, but she cries all the time, afraid that you’ll kick her to the curb when she steps out of line – and she knows she’s going to step out of line.

“It may as well be tonight. I want this to end for her benefit, and for yours. If you guys split, she’ll eventually get over you, and you’ll get over her. If you’re not going to stay together you both need to move on with your lives. If it goes the other way, we will all be ecstatic and the tension KC, you, and every one of your friends feels will go away – almost instantly, I suspect.” Darlene gestured around the room at the mention of ‘everyone’. I realized that well over a dozen other people were going to be interested in how this went down.

“God, Darlene. This is like putting the fox in with the hens.”

She sounded irritated, “I know I’m the she-devil in your life right now. What’d you tell me Chris said to you, ‘There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.’ Well, figure out what you’re thinking, dumb ass! Make a fucking solid and irreversible decision will you, please! What’s that saying, ‘Shit or get off the pot’.” Her anger at me was palpable. “You weren’t getting off the pot so I took it upon myself to make something happen.”

She paused and added in an abrupt tone, “I heard another saying at work that sort of fits here, too: ‘Lead, follow, or get out of the way.’ Well, you also weren’t leading or following any of the advice you got, so get out of the fucking way and let what happens happen, and then see how you feel. Remember, we all need to know your decision before the sun comes up. Just so you remember, there are a few dozen other people watching to see how this plays out. I’ve shared what I’ve done with others in our friend circle. Decide wisely, otherwise I think you’ll find that your life gets very lonely.” Darlene sharply turned and walked away, almost giving me a cold shoulder.

From the rising tone and intensity of her voice, I realized that Darlene was hiding deep anger for me. I thought about what had been happening. Over four months had passed since I’d discovered KC fucking the drummer. Darlene was right, I’d heard KC’s request and had done nothing visible in the way of making a solid decision. I’d talked to some people and gotten advice, but all I’d really done was collect some data. I hadn’t even processed the data completely in my head. I had trends and drifts in how I felt, but I hadn’t made The Decision. I gone one way, and then reversed myself. I’d been like a pendulum going back and forth between the possible answers without ever stopping.

Pensive, I strolled back through the house looking for KC and her friends from years earlier. I didn’t see them. I even strolled back along the bedroom wing of the house, but no one was there – just yet.

As I came back out of that hallway, Marcie accosted me. “Matt. Come with me, please. I’m going in the pool.”

I shrugged. I had to let KC do her thing. If she wanted me to watch, as she’d said, she’d orchestrate that when the time came.

Marcie and I got to the pool’s edge, and I noted that already there were a dozen or more naked swimmers in the pool. Marcie informed me, “The rule for the pool is you have to be cool. No clothes.” She made a happy little rap dance as she sang and peeled her top over her head, exposing her generous breasts.

“Where’s Doug?”

Marcie waved at the house. “Around somewhere. He knows I’m going to be fucking people, and I told him to find somebody too. I think he might actually hit on someone. I had to give him lessons in picking up a girl – what to say, how to act, and all. I want him to feel as sexually liberated as I do. I feel bad sometimes when I’m cuckolding him. I love to fuck you and other guys; he should be able to have the same privilege.”

I understood what she was saying. She was right; Doug needed his own life. He didn’t need to be subjugated to Marcie. As she’d indicated, they could play the cuckold game when they wanted, but she wanted him to be the strong and dominant man she married at least some of the time.

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