In 1876, 10-year-old Annie Hightower was standing beside her father when he was murdered on the main street of Hendly Pass. She swore revenge on the murderer, no matter how long it took. Seven years later, she was able to begin her quest, dressed as a man and using the alias of Jack Highsmith. Romance rears its head in chapter 4, but there is still plenty of daring-do. This story is told in the third person, so there is no dialect except in the actual dialog, thus, it should be easy to read.
There Was This Girl - The Universe of Romance in Quick Time
Home on emergency leave to bury his parents, Charlie was blindsided by a brat from his past. She picked just the right time and bit him on the neck. His future was turned upside down when he turned around and saw that There Was This Girl.
A Swarm Cycle Story
A Swarm story wherein a peacenik boy becomes a blooded man. This story is the result of one Swarm author asking me what I consider a story with Much Sex.
A Conqueror's Reward Story (11) The war continues as Chenosh does all she can to turn the tide in the allies favor. Unexpected events are moving behind the scenes that will effect the course of the war.
An Eternal Serpent's Tale (3) Third in the series. Adding to Joe's relentless work on acting and dancing under Lindy's direction, Snake brings the two mortals a new tale set in ancient times while love deepens between Joe and Snake's youngest angel, Helena. It is necessary to read this series from the beginning to understand the plot and characters and unique conventions.
This story continues the saga of the Monroe family of Bowling Green Ohio. In this chapter the author visits Rod and his sisters at their secluded farm and learns all the secrets of the family even while he joins them in milky, cum filled play