An impetuous bet about the existance of the G-Spot and the reality of female ejaculation lead to a night of uninhibited passion between our hero, Donnie, and two beautiful co-workers.
A story with continuous sex about a guy who goes both ways. AC/DC - Bi-sexual - Marches to a different drummer. If you don't like lots of sex, this is not for you. If you are homophobic, you'll hate this one. This story is for other sex addicts who enjoy reading with one hand in their lap. Dean, learns about sex and himself in his formative years then enjoys sex with any and all. Happy stroking.
A story in the Kaire Universe
A young man is raised with several different species on a planet of abandoned space ships. Together they make their own Clan and built a new type of ship to travel the stars.
Old neighbors meet at a visitation. Discuss their teen years. Discover that they share a secret. Decide to make the fantasy a reality. (Powder City Universe) (Sex comes in towards the end.)