Steve is surprised/shocked! The two girls he’s dating are sisters! A threesome forms then a third sister joins. Friends arrive causing additional loving and sexual relationships. He hides nothing as his sphere expands. He involves guy friends to help out with his ‘harem’. A wedding and highly sexual five-day ‘reception’ cap off the story, along with the perfect living situation.
A war hero lives for ninety years and saves an alien. They are so grateful they offer him another life. At their urging he chooses to become a beautiful bisexual female. She has her share of affairs and is successful in business.
I hadn't originally planned on writing a sequel to "A Very Lucky Man," but I got so many nice emails requesting one that I couldn't resist. This story picks up a year after the first. Our hero arrives home from work early to find his lovely young daughter engaging in naughty experimentation with a boy from down the street and is inspired thereby.
Justin is happily living in a coastal cave in Spain, dead broke. His big American rod is his only asset; young and old, rich and poor cross his bed as he fucks his way into and out of trouble. Everything was great until the box came rolling in the surf.
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (64) On this day, Dan and Tina are enjoying a sensual evening date and dancing until disaster cuts their night short.
Wanda finds a book on hypnosis in her son's room and soon learns who his 'subject' is to be. Pretending to be under his spell Wanda discovers just how far he will take a willing subject.