He thought he had it all. A beautiful wife he loved, one of the most successful companies in the state and the envy of many men. Then he came home one day unexpectedly and found his wife with another man. As he began to reflect on his life, however, he began to wonder who really cheated on whom?
The real story of Orville Summinski begins in the California gold fields, but does not stay there for long. His family moves to Los Angeles and he winds up in the Mexican beer business. Through a mixture of luck and skill, he gains the support of his Mexican employer, marries a Mexican heiress, and becomes a Mexican hidalgo. How's that for a boy born in the slums of New York City? 8 Chapters.
A cowboy stumbles on a run down ranch run by a woman and her three daughters. He learns there is a need for a good man on the ranch, but that they have no money to pay him. Mom has something to trade, though - her daughters.