A Sex and Demons Story (8) Magic can't fix Laurel's social ineptitude, but it can make her very beautiful. Too beautiful. Home from college on winter break, she doesn't recognize the impact that her magic has on her family and friends. And then there are her enemies...
Man agrees to marry childhood friend as a favor. Later they divorce and he loses his child. Uses a song to get through his lonely nights. Does he regain what he has lost? Another love story set in Vermont
A young orphan grows up on a farm. His foster parents are a little strict, but his new "sister" grows up into quite the cute hottie. And then they meet their beautiful neighbor.
A Jenni Story (6) Chrissie and Tom, the teenage couple from 'Amy, Terry, Tom... and others' have been separated for eight years but are brought together by the death of Chrissie's adoptive father, Dave Yeomans. Can they overcome their feelings of unworthiness to recapture their love?
A Love in Lovett County Story (7) Part of the Wold Stultus universe
Charli is a free spirit in every sense of the word, she's sworn to fun and loyal to none! Charline is snooty bitch with a mysterious hidden agenda. Together they drive poor Charles nearly mad as he tries to settle down and build his dream in the odd sleepy rural town of Lovett, Texas. But is either Charli ready to settle down and join him?