Stories of the Volentin Stellar Dynasty
#5 A young exo-archeologist is failing miserably on his first dig and his circumstances are about to get worse. Between a scheming administrator and a visiting royal Volentin, he may lose more than just his nascent career. The betting pool says the odds are against him. / (Reviews)
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (11) Wendy has news for Dan and Karen she wants to deliver in person of Trisha's plot to stop their wedding. They thank her the only way they know how...Karen watched Wendy's gaze lingering on Dan. "You like him a lot already, don't you?" "What's not to love, I mean like." she let slip, a little embarrassed she was caught staring at another woman's man. "You know Dan and I will have to find a lot of ways to thank you for warning us about Trisha. We owe you a great debt of gratitude."
A Cala de Sirena Story (4) Ten years after Angel met and married Don, swearing her love and devotion to Don, Angel and Grace return to their underwater home to help in the next round of mermaid selection by sharing their stories of love and heartbreak.