Set within the Star Wars universe, during the events of Shadows of the Empire, Princess Leia is seduced by the enigmatic Prince Xizor. Though she tries desperately to resist him, she soon finds she is helpless to resist his seduction.
Sheila arrives at the beach house a day early. Her host isn't pleased. They play tennis and dance and then both of them are more comfortable. She wonders if her stepmother set this all up. Then, she faces a choice that will cause a major change in her life.
A My Girls Story (1) This is an account of a Dad, Mom and twin young teenage cheerleaders girls and their friends. There is tasteful sexual content and descriptions, but the emphasis is on story development and the lives of 2 girls and their family. If you like good stories with erotic content but graphic stroke sex is not the primary reason for reading, try this one. / (Reviews)
The story of a young mother who wants to get in shape for her class reunion. Asking her son for help, she loses a little weight and gains a whole lot of love.
Ann Bristol and Jim Furol have both been hurt badly by their failed marriages. Jim starts a new project at Ann's company on Labor Day. The project requires them to work together closely. Jim makes a Christmas for Ann that she will remember forever. They slowly come to realize that they have each found a new reason to love.