Fifteen year-old Young Cathy Howe is sassy, self-assured and often acts too big for her britches. Three senior girls in her high school plot to take her down a peg with some private stripping, strapping and general humiliation. Everyone gets more than they expected.
A futuristic version of Gulliver's classic voyage, describing societies with reproductive practices that are close to human but also have some poignant difference. Four are described in detail: The agony of getting pregnant, Desiring a woman is sick, Wait until you're a man, Losing your virginity is deadly.
It's open season on beautiful male tail in Hollywood--even when the prey is only fourteen--especially when the boy is as angelic but willing and needy for coupling with men as Eddie is. And it's so very difficult for parents of a boy like Eddie to protect him from spiraling down into the world of depravity with sexual predators when he wants what he should be protected from and when they are steeped in obsession with their own careers and perverse sex themselves.
I am not good at writing but hang on; it is a wild ride—cue in Minnesota’s dreary, damp, and foggy day. The phone rings, the caller ID shows a local call. I pick it up.
Darcy is the school tease. After her brother hears of the rumors he has his friend date her one night to see if it is true. When he finds out it is, he decides she needs to be taught a lesson, and he is just the man to do it.