The beloved characters from the classic children's books take an unusual vacation, making new friends and having eye-opening adventures. Each chapter is followed by a vocabulary section, to help readers retain the new words they learn.
This family swings with EVERYONE. This is the story of the narrator and his twin sister becoming included in EVERY way possible (and perhaps a few that aren't possible). It's a fun romp (for the most part) into uninhibited sex at every opportunity with enough of a story to hold things together, a little bit. Read the codes so you won't be surprised. They are all there!
Kathleen took advantage of the privacy of her backyard to work on an all-over tan. Not only would she bronze her whole body, but she would enjoy some thrilling moments. She had no idea that it would change her life forever.
Kali and Claire are lesbian lovers who are into spanking. In this story Kali spanks Claire with her hand and a paddle, pleasuring her between sets of strikes.