Charlie and Ellen visit Lake Havelock with Jennifer and her father. This fan fiction is totally unsolicited by jackieoh, author of "My Mother's Lover," but she's told me she doesn't mind if I post it. If you like it, thank jackie for her story that inspired this one. If you don't like it, blame me, not her. You don't need to read jackie's story to enjoy this so-called missing chapter, but I recommend that you do read her story as soon as you can. You're in for a treat.
A Halloween Story
18 yo Eve decides her daddy's going to get a halloween trick on the big night. With mommy in the room! And what about the neighbor boy Gunther? What will evil Eve make him do before he's allowed in? And how much will it hurt?
Cindy Mahoney is a scientist running a forensics lab. Fate gave her the data to force her best friend Colleen into letting her bed her husband Michael. There’s only 1 catch. Mike is Cindy’s brother! Did Cindy over think things? Could she love her brother without losing the love of her very pregnant best friend?
My best girlfriend Jen is a bad influence. She gets me and our kids to all really loosen up at the start of summer break in ways I never would have imagined.
Dad lays around the house wearing very loose shorts. His daughters are able to see up the leg and his privates and want a much closer hands on look. His wife sees what he is teaching them but why is she ignoring it? What is she up to that she can't condemn her husband's actions?
Fiona feels that life has passed her by during her 45 year marriage to her disinterested spouse. Her still attractive body is starting to come alive again and she is ready for almost any adventure if it is something she has not done before or something that makes her pussy juices flow nicely.
Robert Thomas gets a chemistry set for Christmas and experiments with some interesting results. His new interest in girls is a driving force to make him try different formulae.
Stories set in the same world as my Devil Pact's story
Takes place during Chapter 18. Mark needs to find a pair of virgins and heads to the local high school. Only problem, virgins with intact hymens are hard to find these days and Mark has to do examine a lot of girls to find what he's looking for.