A LT's Life Cycle Story (1) This is about loving sensuality shared between a brother and sister. This is a 6-part life cycle series: LT’s Life Cycle, episode 1 of 6.
When Kayla's friends send her a link for a website with dirty stories, she is startled to enjoy a brother-sister incest selection. It starts to makes her question...is she attracted to her own younger brother, Tony?
This Story Series is in the form of a Series of Interviews that a Psychologist has conducted with participants of incestuous Mother – Son Relationship.
Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Fantasy Tags: mt/Fa, Consensual, High Fantasy, Cheating, Incest, Mother, Son, Spanking, Group Sex, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Safe Sex Downloads: 8310 | Votes: 234 | Score: 7.18 Size: 93KB | 19,273 words |
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (109) On this day, Jenny tries to convince Cathy to join her, Dan, Tina, Lisa, and Hanna to participate in the yearly Caribana parade in Belleville.
If I had the least notion that the events at those previous parties were an "educational one-off," I certainly had another think coming. You can't tame what's naturally wild! Besides, "In your own lounge-room, no-one can hear you scream!"