The Canoe Trip With Uncle - Cover

The Canoe Trip With Uncle

by ghostwritten

Copyright© 2024 by ghostwritten

Incest Sex Story: Megan and her uncle Rick go on their annual canoe trip. But when a spot of bad weather causes them to share a sleeping bag, it also leads to them sharing each other.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Uncle   Niece   Oral Sex   .

It was a beautiful morning when we arrived at the boat launch on Friday. We left home at 4:00am and drove two and a half hours to get into the park for an early start. My Uncle Rick and I were going to spend the next four days paddling through the lakes and rivers of a remote state park. This was something we’ve done since I was 12 and learned to paddle a canoe, the annual uncle and niece canoe vacation. The trips started small, just paddling around a recreational lake at a car campground to this year’s backcountry excursion.

I had just come home a few weeks earlier from my first year at college and was already feeling the crushing lack of freedom that was living at home. You go from staying out late whenever you want, with whoever you want, to having to answer questions when you try to step out the door. I love my parents, but you can only take so much. I’ve been counting down the days to this trip.

My parents have always been more stay-at-home people. I’ve always wondered if I was adopted due to my love of being active. Climbing, hiking, and paddling, as well as random sports were part of my high school and now college life. A lot of those I learned from my Uncle Rick, an outdoorsman and constant bachelor, he made sure I learned the skills I would need to be self-sufficient in survival circumstances.

The temperature was cool, but the sky was clear and sunny. We unpacked the car, dismounted the canoe from the roof, and carried it to the dock. We placed the boat in the water and tied to the dock, I stowed our gear in the boat and while Uncle Rick parked the truck. We had the tent, sleeping bags, and clothes in one pack, wrapped in plastic if it rains, near the stern. The food and emergency supplies were in a dry canister near the bow. I secured them with ropes, checked my knots, and threw in the paddles and life jackets.

Uncle Rick returned and it was a quick stop to the washroom for each of us and then we climbed into our craft, ready for a long weekend of nature. We did put on our life jackets, mainly due to the park staff giving us the stink eye. One last check and we peeled off from the dock, I was in the bow and Uncle Rick was in the stern.

There was no wind to the water was mirror calm as we cut cleanly across the lake towards a river. I could feel the rhythm of the paddle in my hand, doing a basic ‘J’ stroke to keep the canoe in a straight line. We hadn’t spoke since we left the dock, just letting nature and the Sun fill our souls with warmth. Speaking of warm, I was starting to get hot under the light jacket and life vest. I turned to see if we were out of sight of the main dock, we were, and removed the life vest and my jacket. This was how I was hoping to spend most of this trip, in just my yellow bikini top and small shorts. I was hoping to work on my tan this weekend before I was stuck inside for my summer internship began.

“That’s better! I can finally move freely again. How goes the stern Uncle Rick?”

“Good, nice to be back on the water with you Megan. Give me a second to get my vest off too.”

I turned my head to see Uncle Rick taking of his life vest and his shirt too. For being over 40, he was rocking an impressively muscular body. He was burly and strong, he towered over me at 6’3”. His wiry brown hair was cut short. I always wondered why he couldn’t find a woman. He was a catch, and good looking, even if he was my uncle.

“Is the plan to still camp out at the lookout?” I asked.

“Yup, unless you’ve grown too weak from school to make it. I used to know a girl who was tough and strong. I wonder where she is now?” He teased.

“I’ll show you; I’ll take the first portage myself,” I said confidently, “I’ve been hitting the gym 3 days a week while at school. I could almost lift you.”

“That’d be a sight to see. You probably just go to meet guys. You’re what, 4’9” and 80 lbs?”

“I’m 5’2” and a girl never reveals her weight, Uncle Rick.”

“Drop the uncle, this weekend and just call me Rick. You’ll wind yourself saying it all. We’re just Meg and Rick, out on the water this weekend.”

“Aye Aye, Captain Rick!” this was followed by him splashing me with the paddle. I shrieked and splashed back. This was why I loved our little adventures.

It was just after noon when we hit the first portage of the trip. We took out most of the gear, loaded it on our backs and I attempted to lift the canoe from the ground onto my shoulders. The trick is to get it on your knee, place your arms so they won’t cross, and pop it up above your head, resting the yoke on your shoulders. It took a try or two, but I managed to pull it off. Rick carted the rest of the gear while I carried the boat the 500 yards to the next body of water. It took us about 20 minutes to make the journey, but I did it myself. I gently put down the canoe by the water and we stopped to have lunch.

After a quick pee break it was back in the water we went. We were making great time; we should arrive at the campsite by 4:00pm. Plenty of time to set up the tent and cook dinner before it gets dark. We just paddled along with the current, I let my long blonde hair out from its ponytail to just drift in the breeze for a while. I leaned back from the seat, stretching out across the yoke and looked at Rick upside down.

“What are you doing? Tired already?” he teased.

“No, just making sure I get full tan coverage across my whole body. Don’t want any uneven tan lines.”

“No, I suppose not. What would happen to the world if you were slightly darker on one side than the other.” As he said that, I could see him, even behind his sunglasses, taking in the sight of my body, and looking down the front of my bikini. It felt a little weird to be getting checked out by a family member, but I can’t help but admit to checking him out when I was younger. He was my first crush until I got old enough to know it was wrong.

After a few more hours of paddling, we made it to the first paddle up camp site. These are sites that can only be accessed via boat, so they are pretty secluded from other people. No cars, no trails, and no visitors. We disembarked and dragged the canoe onto the shore. I tied it to a nearby tree just to be safe, we didn’t want it drifting away at night. Rick started unpacking the camping gear. He set up the tent, laid out the sleeping bags, and gathered wood for a campfire. We were lucky, it had been a pretty damp spring so there wasn’t a fire ban yet.

I started the camp stove and started boiling water to cook the pasta we brought. Nothing like camp pasta, it’s too hard or too soft, it’s bland, and it’s still delicious after a hard day’s work. We ate all that I cooked and cleaned the dishes in the water. Uncle Rick said he had to use the little boy’s room and wandered into the forest, I decided to do a quick walk around the shore to see if there was anything cool to explore before it got dark. I turned a corner and caught Uncle Rick taking a piss, I could see his massive penis clearly as Rick was just letting it spray anywhere. I couldn’t believe the size of it deflated. I started to wonder what it would look like hard and that got my mind racing. I saw him finish, give it a shake, and tuck it back in his pants. Luckily, he hadn’t seen me, so I just kept looking around.

When I got back the sun was just starting to set below the horizon. Uncle Rick stacked the wood he had gathered earlier and tried to get a fire going. It would light, smoke a bit, then fizz out. I got down on my knees to help. He would light some kindling and I would gently blow to provide more oxygen to the flame to help dry out the wood so it would catch. Each time I would lean in to blow on the embers I could see my uncle looking at my chest. I must admit, I do have a pretty rocking set of breasts. 32C’s, nice and perky, with suckable nipples, as a boyfriend once told me.

The fire finally caught, and we sat around watching the flames roar, talking about life and other random things. That’s the joy in being in nature with someone you’re comfortable with.

“How are the boys at your school, you must be breaking hearts over there.”

“They’re fine, dated a few this year but nothing lasted longer than a month.”

“If any of them treat you wrong, you know where to find me and I’ll pay them a visit.”

“Thanks, but I usually ended it, I just wasn’t feeling it with them. What about you? Ladies must be pounding on your door.”

“A couple,” he chuckled, “but what’s the fun if they’re just giving it away. Besides, like you, I just wasn’t feeling it. I want to find someone special that shares my love of all this stuff,” he said, pointing to everything around us. He leaned in and put his arm around me, I rested my head against his chest. We stayed like that until the fire started to die out, then it was time for bed. I changed first, stripping and putting on a tight white tank top and a pair of panties before crawling into my sleeping bag. Uncle Rick then climbed into his and took off his shorts. We said goodnight and fell asleep.

I awoke the next morning to the smell of coffee and pancakes, my favorite way to wake up. I climbed out of bed and left the tent in search of caffeine and sugar. Sitting on a log, I was handed a hot mug and a plate of food which I wolfed down.

“Easy there darling, try chewing. How do you keep so thin eating like that?” He smiled at me and then did a once over on my body. I looked down and I guess my top was a little thinner than I thought. My nipples were visible through the material and poking out. Well, nothing wrong with doing a little teasing, I figured. I could see a little of the effects in his shorts as they began to rise a bit. We finished eating and polished off the coffee, I decided to put on my bikini and clean off in the water. It was cool and refreshing taking that quick swim. I brought some biodegradable shampoo and soap and washed myself as much as possible. I was outdoors but I didn’t want to smell like it. I ran my soapy hands all over my skin and inside my suit, running a quick finger down my slit. As I was soaping up, I saw my uncle watching me from the shore. I waved at him, inviting him to join me but he declined.

I got out of the water and found Rick had packed up the rest of camp and stored it in the canoe. We were just about ready to cast off when I asked if we should put sunscreen on. Uncle Rick agreed so I helped apply some to his back, running my hands along his strong back, up his muscular arms, and around the back of his legs. Then it was my turn, he started at my shoulders, then slowly did small circles along my back, going along the inside of my ribcage, he slightly grazed the side of my breasts before moving lower to the bottom of my swimsuit. His fingers lightly touched underneath the lining of the material touching my ass and my inner thighs. I would be lying if I said I didn’t get turned on by that.

Now we were sun resistant, we headed out onto the water. It was a nice but cool day, there was a bit of cloud cover rolling in which could be a problem, but the wind was low and current with us. Throughout the day, we bantered and bickered about all kinds of things. What music we were listening to, future plans, and ideas for next year. The day was flying by until about an hour’s paddle from the next campsite, the weather started to turn. The wind picked up and the skies darkened. We attempted to beat the storm to the site but failed. The clouds opened up and the rain came pouring down. We finally made it the campsite soaked and cold.

“I’ll set up the tent and you grab bag with the sleeping gear. We’ll make food in the tent tonight.” Said Rick.

“Ok, I’ll grab everything once I can toss it in the tent.”

Rick had the main frame up in minutes. I grabbed the gear bag but discovered a problem. It wasn’t sealed properly and almost everything was soaked. I still brought it to the tent and sorted through it. All the clothes were soaked so I just wore my bikini and Rick had on shorts, they seemed like the fastest things to dry out. One of the sleeping bags was also soaked. The other one was at the bottom and only got damp. I went back out and grabbed the food canister which is fully waterproof so at least we won’t starve.

I fired up the little camp stove and made us some warm ready-made meals. You just had to add boiled water. They were ok tasting and helped warm us up a bit. We hoped the rain would stop so we could put our stuff out to dry but it just kept raining. The wind was whipping across the water, making the tent shake and increasing our cold. We finally gave up and had to decide what to do.

“Why don’t you take the sleeping bag honey, I’ll go without one.”

“No way, you’ll get sick doing that. Can we both fit in it?”

“Together? Maybe, but it would be a tight fit. Although, we would both be warmer with body heat.”

“I think it’s our best option right now. Be uncomfortable or freeze.”

So, we both attempted to squeeze into the single bag. Rick was on the bottom, and I was somewhat on top of him, my legs straddling him and my head on his chest. I reached over and zipped us up. It was certainly tight, but we were warm. It felt like being an overstuffed soft taco, everything ready to explode out at any minute.

It was probably close to 10:00pm when I felt something rubbing up against my thighs. I wasn’t sure if it was a hand or what. I wiggled around a bit, and it hit the crotch of my suit. Suddenly I knew what it was. My uncle was sporting a massive boner right up against me. Worst thing now was any movement caused it to rub against my vagina. It was starting to turn me on, being this close to a guy and something hitting out in the right spot just triggers it.

“Why are you moving Meg?”

“Uh sorry, just trying to get comfortable.”

“Ok, I know this is awkward, but it can’t be helped.”

“I know, it’s just ... um, you have a problem down there.”

“I’m sorry, please just ignore it. Moving is making it worse.”

“Well, what can we do about it?”

“Nothing, this is embarrassing enough being turned on by my teenage niece.”

“Awww, thanks Uncle Rick but I can’t sleep like this. Give me a second.”

I unzipped the bag partway and gave myself room to move off my uncle to the side of the bag. I was getting cold again, but I needed space. I moved my right hand over his stomach and down into his shorts.

“What the hell are you doing?” he asked, panicked.

“Helping us both out, this didn’t happen, ok?” I began stroking his enormous cock. It had to be 8 inches long and fairly thick too. It put all my other boyfriends to shame. It was difficult to get rhythm going with the shorts in the way, so I pulled them down and off.

“Please don’t do this, this isn’t right.”

“But is it working, or do I need to do more?”

“Do more? What does that even mean?”

“It means this,” and I removed my bikini top, showing my uncle my unobstructed tits for the first time, “does that help too?”

“Oh God, they are amazing, Meg but we shouldn’t be doing this.”

I kept stroking, I was really wet now though, and not from the rain, I don’t know why this was turning me on so much. I used my other hand to untie the sides of my bikini bottoms and started rubbing myself. My uncle could see me pleasure myself with one hand and stroking him with the other.

I did realize a problem with my plan, if he cums it will soak the bag, I unzipped the rest of the bag and crawled out, I then opened the bag up so I could see his throbbing penis. There was only one thing to do. I moved down and put as much of it in my mouth as I could. It stretched my lips wide as I bobbed my head up and down, careful not to use my teeth. Rick moaned when I enveloped his member with my mouth.

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