Rent a condo in Cabo San Lucas, Baja California. Check out the shops. Eat seafood. Golf, if you must. Snorkel. Buy yourself a fun swimsuit. Take your kids. Watch the sunsets. Take beach blankets.
The year is now 2186 and sex work is a common occupation. Nearly every young person knows at least one friend, sibling, or cousin who works in the industry, and no one would bat an eye when they saw a sixteen-year-old working behind the counter. It was a normal part of society, no different from any other profession. And the industry continues to thrive, despite its low wages. No one questioned how things had gotten this way. It was just life. And for Lila, this was just another night on the job
Jenna's and her younger brother, Joey's, love is so deep and hot that their mother easily figures out what's going on between them. But no one imagined how much she loved to watch.
A chance meeting between an older gentleman pilot and an accomplished younger woman pilot triggers a relationship that starts rough builds into long-term partners. They build a remarkable business and launch it into the public domain. Their loving connections with a larger group flavors their lives through romance, polyamory, sex, family and lesbian sex, and creative lovemaking.